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dc.contributor.authorKarnowska, Danutapl
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 132, Studia Politologica 10 (2013), s. [226]-237pl
dc.description.abstractThe postulate of settling accounts with the Polish People’s Republic was supposed to serve the Law and Justice Party mainly as a building material for developing the exclusive community. The basic categories of such community include common good, specific tradition and practice that form the particularism of the community. By accusing the Polish People’s Republic of ideological denial of the society’s particularisms, politicians from the Law and Justice Party recognized the necessity of settling accounts with the pathologies of that period in the country’s functioning. It had mainly an ideological, moral dimension as well as realized the idea of social justice. In the case of the Law and Justice Party, it was also used as a marketing tool.en
dc.titleRozliczenie z PRL-em jako przesłanka budowy wspólnoty ekskluzywnej w perspektywie komunitarystycznej (w koncepcjach Prawa i Sprawiedliwości)pl
dc.title.alternativeSettling accounts with the Polish People’s Republic as a premise for building an exclusive community in the perspective of communitarianism (according to the conception of the Law and Justice Party)en

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