Labor et Educatio ; Nr 2/2014: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-29 z 29
Kompensacja sieroctwa społecznego w działalności rodzinnych domów dziecka – wybrane aspekty metodyczne
(2014)The situation in which there are problems with the proper fulfillment of both care-related and parental duties towards the children within a family can be in some cases referred to as social orphanhood, which is a major ... -
Rodzina w procesie wsparcia społecznego i zawodowego osoby niepełnosprawnej
(2014)Without prejudice to numerous institutions organized in the best possible way, nothing affect interpersonal relations as much as individual, empathic and intimate contact with other human being does. The greatest help in ... -
Ekonomia społeczna w kontekście wyzwań rynku pracy
(2014)The article presents the current situation on the labour market in Poland, showing the way it is impacted by the social economy. -
Wielokulturowa (bez)robotność : rzecz o izraelskim rynku pracy
(2014)In this article I propose the term “Multicultural (un)employment”, which was created during the analysis of the situation in the multicultural Israeli labor market. First, I describe multiculturalism in Israel. Next, I ... -
Działalność wychowawcza w pracy socjalnej z osobami bezrobotnymi
(2014)Unemployment is an integral part of the capitalist economy. Some consider it to be a pathological phenomenon because it restricts the social progress. It is analyzed on the basis of various scientific disciplines, i.e. ... -
Interpretacyjne osobliwości pracy ludzkiej
(2014)The article is an introduction to the contemporary understanding of the value and importance of human labor. As inspiration for the reflection is also an inspiration to explore issues and searches for answers to your ... -
Człowiek jako obiekt badań humanistycznej pedagogiki pracy
(2014)This study refers to the interpretation of the basic categories of educational sciences, i.e. Pedagogy of Labour. From the perspective of the theory and the research in the field of education it is important to describe ... -
(2014) -
Labor et Educatio - nr 2/2014
(Instytut Pracy Socjalnej Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie, 2014)