dc.description.abstract | The paper presents the most important observations from researches on internal
(home) migrations of village population in Podhale. The attention was directed
mainly to directions of mobility; main tracks and their spatial reach were marked. It
allowed to distinguish hermetic villages - those which show close connections with
Podhale and villages more open for gaining immigrants from other regions.
Village population of Podhale emigrated equally to towns and villages. Changes
in migration directions have been observed for 15 years, these changes are
consequences of changing conditions (barrier of labour and housing markets). Share
of migrations to towns decreases, mobility among villages increases.
Analysis of mobility directions for majority of Podhale villages confirmed that
the greatest number of people migrate on short distances, significant is percentage
share of immigrants from a village of the same administrative district, people from
villages predominate. Some villages of that region, because of their attractive
features, functions, location or sometimes traditions stray from the model. Small
settlement units show very close connections with Podhale - they are mainly villages
in suburban zones of Nowy Targ and on Spisz.
Villages in the Gorce and in Rabka surroundings show weaker connections as to
affluence. People affluence to touristic villages and to capitals of administrative
districts was the smallest in Podhale. Those settlements point out wide reach of
migrations outside home Voivodeship. Matrimonial factor is more frequent in
causing migrations in villages. In Podhale, marriages among inhabitants from
Podhale, from the same village or parish predominated. It points out great
hermeticity of many villages what originates from historical and cultural traditions
cultivated mainly in Orava and Spisz.
Affluence of population to Podhale villages deepened feminization but as
immigrants were young they played an important role in further demographic
reproduction. Migrations to Podhale villages point out that there is a great degree of
selectivity among affluent population which make exclusive population in village
society. Migrations of exclusive character were common in the Tatra region and in
Podhale administrative districts. | en_EN |