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dc.contributor.advisorStawarz, Robert
dc.contributor.authorKilian, Katarzyna
dc.descriptionUniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie Wydział Geograficzno-Biologiczny. Praca doktorska Wykonana w Zakładzie Zoologii Kręgowców i Biologii Człowieka Instytutu Biologii Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego. Promotor: dr hab. Robert Stawarz prof. UP.pl_PL
dc.description.abstractCelem pracy było porównanie wybranych parametrów mleka kobiet palących i niepalących, będących w różnym wieku oraz fazie laktacji. Porównywano zawartości Hg, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Zn, Cu, Fe, glutationu (GSH) oraz aktywności dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej (Cu/Zn-SOD), peroksydazy glutationowej (GPx), reduktazy glutationowej (GR). Celem było również określenie współzależności między zawartościami badanych metali oraz pomiędzy ich zawartościami a aktywnością enzymów antyoksydacyjnych i zawartością GSH w mleku kobiet palących i niepalących. Materiał do badań stanowiły próbki mleka (n=345) pobrane od kobiet w wieku od 20 do 37 lat pochodzących z małopolski. Próbki były pobrane w fazie siary (2-3 dzień laktacji) i mleka przejściowego (4-17 dzień laktacji). Głównym kryterium podziału na grupy badawcze było uzależnienie od palenia tytoniu. Hg wykryto we wszystkich zbadanych próbkach, jej zawartość była wyższa w mleku kobiet palących niż w mleku niepalących niezależnie od ich wieku i fazy laktacji oraz obniżała się wraz z wiekiem. Zawartość Fe w mleku była niższa, zaś Ca wyższa w mleku kobiet palących niż w mleku niepalących. Palenie papierosów nie wpływało na zawartość pozostałych pierwiastków. Wiek kobiet wpływał na jedynie zawartość K, Ca i Fe. Zawartość Zn zmniejszała się wraz z czasem trwania laktacji u kobiet palących, pozostałe pierwiastki biogenne nie wykazywały istotnych zmian względem fazy laktacji. Faza laktacji i wiek wykazywały wpływu na poziom antyoksydantów w mleku kobiet palących i niepalących. W mleku kobiet palących stwierdzono obniżoną aktywność GR. W mleku kobiet palących i niepalących stwierdzono korelacje pomiędzy zawartościami metali oraz ich zawartościami a poziomem antyoksydantów, w mleku palących występowały często inne korelacje niż w mleku kobiet niepalących. The aim of the study was comparison of breast milk derived from smoking and non-smoking mothers in relation to their age and stage of lactation taking into account concentration of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe, Hg, glutathione (GSH) and activity of superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR). Additionally, purpose of the study was to investigate correlations between metals and between metals and antioxidants in milk of smoking and non-smoking women. Material of the study was 345 breast milk samples from women in age between 20 and 37 years old form malopolska district. Samples were collected from the same women between 2 and 3 day of lactation (colostrum) and between 4 and 17 day postpartum (transitional milk). Samples were divided in accordance with smoking addict. Results of this labor indicate that Hg was present in all analyzed milk samples, its values were higher in milk of smoking women than in non-smoking in all age groups and stages of lactation, in milk of smoking women decreases in relation with age. Fe level was the lowest and Ca level was the highest in milk of smoking mothers, while rest of essential elements concentrations were independent of smoking influence. Women’ age is significant factor which has influence on Fe, Ca, K concentration in milk. Other metals levels were statistically insignificant in milk of smoking and nonsmoking women in relation with mothers’ age. Only Zn level in milk of smoking mothers declined during lactation, concentrations of rest elements were independent of that factor. Antioxidants levels were independent of stage of lactation and age in milk of smoking and non-smoking women. In milk of smoking women activity of GR was decreased. Interactions between metals and also between metals and antioxidants were different in milk from smoking and non-smoking women.pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the study was comparison of breast milk derived from smoking and non-smoking mothers in relation to their age and stage of lactation taking into account concentration of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, Fe, Hg, glutathione (GSH) and activity of superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR). Additionally, purpose of the study was to investigate correlations between metals and between metals and antioxidants in milk of smoking and non-smoking women. Material of the study was 345 breast milk samples from women in age between 20 and 37 years old form malopolska district. Samples were collected from the same women between 2 and 3 day of lactation (colostrum) and between 4 and 17 day postpartum (transitional milk). Samples were divided in accordance with smoking addict. Results of this labor indicate that Hg was present in all analyzed milk samples, its values were higher in milk of smoking women than in non-smoking in all age groups and stages of lactation, in milk of smoking women decreases in relation with age. Fe level was the lowest and Ca level was the highest in milk of smoking mothers, while rest of essential elements concentrations were independent of smoking influence. Women’ age is significant factor which has influence on Fe, Ca, K concentration in milk. Other metals levels were statistically insignificant in milk of smoking and nonsmoking women in relation with mothers’ age. Only Zn level in milk of smoking mothers declined during lactation, concentrations of rest elements were independent of that factor. Antioxidants levels were independent of stage of lactation and age in milk of smoking and non-smoking women. In milk of smoking women activity of GR was decreased. Interactions between metals and also between metals and antioxidants were different in milk from smoking and non-smoking women.
dc.subjectpierwiastki biogennepl_PL
dc.subjectbiogenic elementspl_PL
dc.titleZawartość wybranych metali, glutationu oraz aktywność niektórych enzymów antyoksydacyjnych w mleku kobietpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeConcentration of selected metals, glutathione and activity of some antioxidant enzymes in women’ milkpl_PL

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