Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Geograficzne: Recent submissions
Now showing items 201-220 of 286
Młodzież wiejska Tarnobrzeskiego Rejonu Siarkowego na lokalnych rynkach pracy
(1971)In her article the author analyses the trends observed in the structure of employment and schooling of the young villagers, as against the actual labour demand from the Sulphur Works and other local labour markets in the ... -
Przemysły towarzyszące górnictwu węgla w Rybnickim Okręgu Węglowym
(1971)The present article is concerned with the role performed with the coal mining concurrent industries in the Rybnik Coal Basin in 1965. In the first part of the publication, the author, upon presenting his definition of ... -
Czynniki lokalizacji i rozwoju przemysłu obrzeża GOP
(1971)The article is part of a major whole devoted to the agglomeration processes of industry on the periphery of the Upper-Silesian Industrial Region, and its production connections. In the article the author, after a brief ... -
Kryteria i mierniki urbanizacji
(1971)The object of the article has been a survey of the most important criteria and indices applied in research on urbanization processes in each of their aspects. The author submits to critical analysis the demographic, ... -
Koncepcje teoretyczne a empiryczne podstawy analizy struktury regionalnej
(1971)In a comprehensive outline the author examines the basic notions of structural and functional analysis, the transition from the descriptive interpretation of connections and interdependencies in anthropogeography to the ... -
Genetyczna klasyfikacja klimatu według B.P. Alisowa
(1971)The article is concerned with the main premises of climatic classification as presented in a series of works by Boris P. Alisov, whose contention is that the regional differences in climate should be traced back to the ... -
Kemowe formy w Paśmie Przedborsko-Małogoskim
(1971)On the slopes of the Przedborsk-Małogoszcz Range and on the valley sides, fragments of terrace planations have been discovered. These planations are built up of sediments of glacial, fluvial and solifluxial accumulation. ... -
Wietrzenie i zaburzenia mrozowe w stropie detrytycznych utworów sarmackich na Płaskowyżu Szanieckim i Pogórzu Szydłowskim
(1971)Detritic Sarmatian measures are strongly differentiated in both vertical and horizontal directions as regards lithology and compactness, which as a result brought about selective rock weathering. Three principal types ... -
Laboratoryjne badania nad podatnością na wietrzenie mrozowe skał osadowych z północnych części Niecki Nidziańskiej
(1971)The Upper Cretaceous sediment rocks in the north-western part of the Nida Syncline are highly differentiated under the lithological aspect, ranging from almost pure calcite, through carbonate-clayey-sandy rock of varying ... -
Ukształtowanie podczwartorzędowej powierzchni w Kotlinie Oświęcimskiej
(1971)The sub-Quaternary surface of the Oświęcim Dale has been reconstructed on the basis of ample drilling material. It ought to be stressed that the reconstructed sub-Quaternary relief is considerably more variegated than ... -
Z badań nad wydmami Kotliny Sandomierskiej
(1971)The article presents research results concerning the sanddrifts of the central part of the Sandomierz Dale. The author, upon analysing the localization and morphology of the structures of eolic accumulation, occurring ... -
Wody gruntowe w dorzeczu Soły
(1971)In the basin of the Soła R. the lay of the land does not favour the accumulation of underground water in any larger amount. In the mountain region the large accurrence of shales in the subsoil and of clayey covers, ... -
W sprawie genezy Bramy Wilkowickiej
(1971)The article presents the previous opinions concerning the origins of the Wilkowice Gate, and the results of the author's own research. Be attributes the origins this Gate to erosion and denudation operating under favourable ... -
Próba odtworzenia genezy przełomów Skawy poniżej Skawiec
(1971)The article is concerned with the evolution of the relief of the Skawa valley between Skawce and Gorzeń Dolny. Upon analysing the location of the existing levelling zones, the author has reconstructed the former coures ... -
Fazy rozwoju form skalnych w Magurze Wątkowskiej
(1971)In the range of the Wątków Magurian within the Low Beskid Mts., there occur rock measures known as Kornuts. They can be found both on the summit and on the slopes. In the paper the author describes the measures and tries ... -
O peryglacjalnej rzeźbie centralnego Tien-Szania
(1971)In the course of the few months when I was visiting the Asiatic part of the Soviet Union for purposes of research, I had the opportunity to study the scientific investigations in geomorphology carried out by the Soviet ... -
Czterdziestopięciolecie działalności dydaktycznej i naukowej Profesora Rodiona Mochnackiego
(1971)September 1970 will mark forty-fivе years of the educational work of Rodion Mochnacki, Extra-Ordinary Professor at the Teachers Training College in Cracow, who for many years has held the post of Head at the Department ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 40. Prace Geograficzne 5
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1971) -
Problematyka wycieczek geograficznych po Bułgarii
(1968)The article is founded upon experience derived from the authors’ stays with youth groups in Bulgaria: on the example of several routes they have been able to prove how within the same expense, the same time and following ... -
Kształcenie pojęć w nauczaniu geografii na podstawie analizy podręczników szkolnych
(1968)The article deals with two questions: (1) the number of concepts wrhich the shoolchildren must learn during geography lesons at elementary school and then at the secondary school of general education (from one grade to ...