Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Geograficzne: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 286
Przemiany etniczne ludności polskiej na Kowieńszczyźnie
(2000)The object of the paper is to show the ethnical changes of Polish minority at Kovno (Kaunas), Jonava and Kedainiai regions of Lithuania. First russian censuses in 1897 and 1909 showed that 25% of those regions’ inhabitants ... -
Struktura etniczna Macedonii i jej przeobrażenia
(2000)Macedonia is a country inhabited by 1 945 932 (1994) people and it is a mosaic in respect of nationalities living there. Beside 3 grup (Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish) there are 16 other ethnic grups. Such great national ... -
Regionalne zróżnicowanie przemian społeczno-gospodarczych Hiszpanii w drugiej połowie XX w. jako wyraz rozwoju gospodarczego
(2000)An attempt was made to answer the question whether and to what extent economic and social disparities in 17 regions of Spain have been eliminated. The analysis was conducted with the help of selected GNP parametres. -
Wpływ inwestycji zagranicznych na zmiany w funkcjonowaniu Huty Szkła Jarosław S.A.
(2000)The purpose of this paper is to present the changes in running of Huta Szkła Jarosław S.A. influenced by foreign investment of multinational company Owens-Illinois. The changes under discussion concern: property, ... -
Poziom wykształcenia ludności rolniczej w gminach Polski południowo-wschodniej
(2000)There is a long discussion about structural changes of agriculture sector in Poland. Southern- East Poland is special area with lot of working in agriculture. Education level of farm holders and their families is one of ... -
Proces starzenia się ludności w miastach makroregionu południowo-wschodniego
(2000)The paper aimed at presentation of level and dynamics of population aging in towns of south- -eastem Poland in the light of selected parameters. An attempt was made to demonstrate the dependence of the size of the town ... -
Starzenie się ludności w dużych miastach Polski na tle pozostałych ośrodków i obszarów wiejskich
(2000)The task of the paper is to estimate the rate of aging process in big Polish cities against the background of the other towns and countryside between 1987 and 1996. The analysis include 40 cities with over 100.000 ... -
Przemiany demograficzne małych miast województwa małopolskiego w latach 1975-1997
(2000)The article deals with the problem of demographic changes in small towns of Małopolska province between 1975-97. Dynamic of population growth, birth-rate, migration balance and the age structure of small towns are analyse ... -
Miejska sieć osadnicza województwa małopolskiego
(2000)Genetic, functional and size studies of cities of Małopolska province are presented in the paper. The author analyses specific forms of geographical location of cities what give result in density of urban system. The ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 209. Prace Geograficzne 18
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2000)Globalne procesy rozwoju cywilizacyjnego nie tylko w różnym stopniu wpływają na przemiany krajowych układów przestrzennych, ale także w odmiennym stopniu realizują się w zależności od ich położenia w przestrzeni europejskiej. ... -
Problematyka geografii ekonomicznej w regionalnych ćwiczeniach terenowych
(1998)The paper outlines organization and methodology for field classes in economic geography. The author uses different methods for 1st, 3rd and 4th year and refers to many examples which are excerpts from complete programmes ... -
Przemiany demograficzne w Indiach
(1998)The article aims at presentation of demographic changes of Indian states and territories including population growth also demographic structures and vital statistics on the background of social conditions in the years ... -
Przemiany w poziomie intensywności rolnictwa Unii Europejskiej w latach 1975-1993
(1998)Polish agriculture is one of the main problems within the access of Poland to the European Union. The paper presents analyse of agriculture intensity level in years 1975-1993. It was done by the method worked out by B.Kopeć ... -
Rola sektora prywatnego w rolnictwie Ukrainy
(1998)In 1990s Ukraine has struggled with deep political and economical crisis which originated in connection with running of former USSR economics. This country has huge natural, human and technical potential, unfortunately the ... -
Przymusowe migracje wewnętrzne w Rosji
(1998)Internal forced migrations in Russia comprised multitudes of many millions people, including deportations of whole nations or their parts. In the years 1930-1952 they were conducted on a scale met nowhere else in the world. ... -
Główne tendencje zmian w indywidualnym rolnictwie województwa skierniewickiego w latach 1988-1996
(1998)In the article the analysis of direction of changes in private farms activity structure in the process of economy system changes was undertaken. Particular attention was paid to changes in the range of crops (regress in ... -
Rolnicza baza ekonomiczna małych miast regionu krakowskiego
(1998)The results of research on situation and role of agriculture in small towns of Cracow Region are presented in the article. Agriculture does usually not make the town creating function; not including this function in research ... -
Poziom i dynamika starzenia się ludności w województwie krakowskim w latach 1988-1996 w świetle wybranych struktur demograficznych
(1998)The task of the paper is describing the status and changes of population age structure in Cracow voivodship (by gminas and towns) according to selected measures and to estimate the rate of aging process between 1988 and ... -
Miejska sieć osadnicza południowej Polski w okresie transformacji społeczno-gospodarczej kraju
(1998)Urban settlement system of southern Poland and its structural and size changes after 1990 is the subject of the paper. The author analyses 91 cities from 7 voivodships what generally covers the right part of upper Vistula ... -
Alicja Krakowska 1939-1997