Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Geograficzne: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 141-160 z 286
Bibliografia prac Jana Flisa
(1982) -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 77. Prace Geograficzne 9
(Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa - Kraków, 1982) -
O prawidłowościach piętrowego zróżnicowania stosunków klimatycznych w Sudetach
(1980)Differential features of macro- and mezoscale climatic conditions in the Sudety Mountains are presented by evaluating quantitative correlations of the climatic elements and factors to an altitude above the sea level, as ... -
Współczynnik rozwinięcia powierzchni jako wskaźnik syntetycznego przedstawienia rzeźby
(1980)An attempt is made to present a synthetic factor for the area relief evaluation which would involve the relative altitude, inclination, erosional dessection level and slope cutting depth. One of the most natural factors ... -
Zmiany środowiska geograficznego spowodowane gospodarczą działalnością człowieka na zachodnim skłonie Chentaju
(1980)The paper is aimed at defining various signs of human activities and presenting their effect on the transforming and degradation of the area under consideration. Our basis was recording the effects of a direct and ... -
Piętrowość współczesnych procesów geomorfologicznych w dorzeczu Sugnugurin-goł
(1980)Contemporary sculpturing processes were examined in the Sugnugurin-gol Basin within the western slope of the Chentej Mountains. The geological subsoil are Paleozoic metamorphic rocks (shales and quartzites), as well as ... -
Piętra roślinne dorzecza Sugnugurin-goł
(1980)Altitudinal zonality of vegetation in Chentej is of boreal type (Sayan variant) (Yunatov, 1950). Its particular feature are well developed forests and mountain taiga in medium — mountain zones and mountain tundra in high ... -
Gleby zachodniego skłonu gór Chentej
(1980)Soil characteristics for the western part of the Chentej Mountains are given. Two main soil types are distinguished by the author in reference to the geological structure; weathering soils formed on metamorphic rocks and ... -
Z badań hydrologicznych w dorzeczu Sugnugurin-goł w górach Chentej
(1980)Preliminary results of the hydrology research conducted in the Sugnugurin-gol Basin in summer 1977 are presented. Morphometric as well as physical — geographical parameters of the Basin are summarized. Basing upon continuous ... -
Procesy mrozowe w dnach dolin dorzecza Sugnugurin-goł
(1980)Within the Valley bottoms in the Sugnugurin-gol Basin a permafrost is present (fig. 1). In summer, the ground unfreezing is differentiated and it ranges from 1 m in the bottom to 1,5 m and sometimes to 2 m in insolated ... -
Warunki klimatyczne doliny Sugnugurin-goł w okresie letnim
(1980)Basing upon the stationary measurements carried out in the Sugnugurin-gol Valley during a physical — geographical expedition lasting from June 21 st to August 10 th, 1977, climatic conditions in the Valley within summer ... -
Formy glacjalne Baga-Chenteju
(1980)The paper presents results of investigation carried out in July 1977 on the forms and deposits of younger phase of the latest glaciation in the Asaralt Massif in Baga-Chentej (Mongolia). The relief forms and deposits ... -
Główne rysy rzeźby zachodniego skłonu Chenteju i jego przedpola w dorzeczach Sugnugurin-goł i Bajan-goł
(1980)The geomorphology research covered western slope of the Chentej in the Sugnugurin-gol and Bajan-gol basins as well as the forefield within the higher Chara-gol basin. A wide depression called Batsumber Valley is seen ... -
Utwory pyłowe Kotliny Batsumber i doliny Sugnugurin-goł
(1980)Dusty forms were found among the Quaternary crusts in the Chentej Mountains in Mongolia. The paper shows their characteristics: an attempt also is made to define the sedimentation conditions of those macroscopically ... -
Wstępne rozpoznanie budowy geologicznej dorzecza Sugnugurin-goł i Kotliny Batsumber w górach Chentej
(1980)The paper shows general characteristics of geological forms in the Sugnugurin-gol Basin in the Mongolian Chentej Mountains. Metamorphic forms of lower paleozoic, high-paleozoic granitoides, cretaceous ground deposits and ... -
Ogólna charakterystyka fizycznogeograficzna zachodniego skłonu Chenteju i zakres badań Ekspedycji Mongolsko-Polskiej grupy Chentej I
(1980)In spite of ancient exploring tradition, vast resources and high qualities of the natural environment in Mongolia are still not recognized well enough. A rapid development of earth sciences as well as reasonable utilization ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 71. Prace Geograficzne 8
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1980)