Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Zoologiczne: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 41-60 z 79
Zawartość wody w niektórych narządach kumaka nizinnego Bombina bombina (L.) w środkowym okresie życia aktywnego
(1982)The studies were carried out on water content in the skin, tongue, straight muscul of abdomen, liver, alimentary canal, kidneys, gastrocnemius musculus, oviducts and ovaries in the middle period of active life of the ... -
Kryteria doboru treści kształcenia stosowane przez nauczycieli klas przy określaniu zakresu treści z zoologii strunowców
(1982)In this paper, the results of examinations on criterions of selection of education’s substances from the range of zoology of Chordata were showed. The analysis of national and foreign educators’ and didacties’ views on ... -
Znaczenie zajęć z dydaktyki biologii w procesie kształcenia zawodowego nauczycieli biologii
(1982)In the first, introductory chapter of the paper the author presents the time-framework as well as the aims of the training of the teachers of biology. He also presents a survey of the previous research in the domain of ... -
Strukturalny zapis treści biologicznych w zeszycie ucznia
(1982)The article presents some possibilities of applying structural methods to biology lessons pointing in particular to the notes in the pupil’s copy-book. The first part of the article deals with the definition of the ... -
Hodowla larw płazów bezogonowych
(1982)The article is relating to breedings of larvas of anuran amphibians in laboratory conditions. Breeding conditions, main evolutionary phases of larvas and experiments showing influence of various environmental factors ... -
Efektywność procesu uczenia się biologii człowieka w klasach VIII szkoły podstawowej
(1982)The subjects of author’s research are the factors influencing on the run and the efficiency of learning biology in the eight classes at schools in Poland. The theoretical analisis of the problem has been developed against ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 81. Prace Zoologiczne 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1982) -
Wycieczki do ogrodu zoologicznego
(1973)First zoological gardens in the form of menageries appeared already with the ancient peoples. Their functions changed as they developed. Zoological gardens in their present form can serve, among other purposes, as a ... -
Zmniejszanie się długości i ciężaru ciała larw salamandry plamistej (Salamandra salamandra L.) w okresie przeobrażenia
(1973)Research was carried out on the larvae of Salamandra salamandra L. taken from a mountain stream in the West Beskid. Only finally grown larvae and those at the stage of metamorphosis were taken into consideration. 178 ... -
Wrażenia zoologa z pobytu w NRD
(1973)The article contains remarks and comments of a research worker who spent three weeks on practice in the German Democratic Republic with biology students from Teachers' College, Kraków. The remarks are mainly concerned ... -
Wpływ hydrobiologicznych właściwości zbiorników wodnych na rozwój kijanek żaby trawnej (Rana temporaria L.)
(1973)Research on the influence of hydro-biological properties of reservoirs on the development of tadpoles of Rana temporaria L. was carried out in five natural, low-lying reservoirs in a small area near Kraków. Each reservoir ... -
Materiały do znajomości czerwców (Coccoidea) Polski cz. II
(1973)The work contains a list of six species of scale insects collected in the area of Michałowice (the Karkonosze Mountains) in August, 1972. The author notes that the most numerous species in the area is Chionaspis salicis ... -
Przyczynek do znajomości aparatów gębowych wybranych przedstawicieli owadów
(1973)The paper contains descriptions of mouth apparatuses of chosen specimens of insects as regards their adaptability in connection with receiving particular kinds of food. Beside rather well-known types of mouth apparatuses ... -
Niezmiarkowate (Chloropidae, Diptera) na łąkach w okolicy Puszczy Niepołomickiej
(1973)The work is a comparative study of Diptera-Chloropidae fauna carried out in 1966 in three meadows in the area of Niepołomicki Forest near Szarów. The chosen meadows differed from each other in their floristic composition, ... -
Badania nad występowaniem szkodników zbożowych z rodziny Chloropidae (Diptera) na miedzach pól uprawnych
(1973)The paper discusses the results of research on Chloropidae fauna carried out in 1966 on two balks adjoining rye- and-potatoe cultivations and on a control natural meadow in the vicinity of Niepołomicki Forest near Szarów. 18 ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 50. Prace Zoologiczne 3
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1973) -
Wybrane zagadnienia z zakresu preparowania zwierząt kręgowych
(1970)The article describes how certain preparations of vertebrates are made, mostly entire preparations as well as dry ones, such as, e.g., fish scale, dry skin preparations of reptiles, amphibians and mammals, as well as ... -
Charakterystyka morfologiczna i biologia salamandry plamistej (Salamandra Salamandra L.)
(1970)The article presents the morphological characteristics and the occurence of adult specimens of spotted salamander (Salamandra salamandra L.). On material derived from the publications on the subject as well as from the ... -
Fauna Bałtyku na tle jego historii
(1970)The paper, which deals with the fauna of the Baltic Sea and its history, consists of four chapters: I - the history of the Baltic Sea from the Barrier Lake, through the Yoldia Sea, the Ancylus Lake, and the Litoryne ... -
Powstanie gruczołów wielokomórkowych w regeneratach kończyny i ogona aksolotla (Ambystoma Mexicanum Cope)
(1970)The author has described the development of multilocular glands in the limb and tail regenerates of axolotl, within ten months after the amputation of these organs. The growth of glands is anatomically connected with ...