Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Prace Zoologiczne: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 61-79 z 79
Znaczenie biorytmów w wykrywaniu chorób
(1970)The article, founded upon a great many publications by different authors, is concerned with biorhythm and its relevance in the detection of illness. The author has tried to show how important in medical practice is the ... -
Reaktywność układu podwzgórzowo-przysadkowego w warunkach działania niektórych czynników fizycznych i chemicznych
(1970)Upon the basis of extensive literature, the author discusses in the article the influence of some physical and chemical factors upon the activity of the neuro-secretive system. Upon studying a number of reports on the ... -
Poziom retikulocytów i trombocytów w krwi obwodowej myszy po wielokrotnym podaniu małych dawek azotanu ołowiowego
(1970)Research on the level of reticulocytes and trombocytes is the peripheral blood of mice submitted to the action of plumbous nitrate was carried within two experimental series. The first series included 10 mice (5 males ... -
Rytmika procesów fizjologicznych
(1970)The course of biological phenomena analysed within the parameter of astronomical time has revealed striking variations in their intensity, variations characteristic both of the given species as a whole and of some of its ... -
Materiały do znajomości pory godowej ropuchy szarej (Bufo Bufo L.)
(1970)The research was carried in the years 1962 to 1968 at Staniątki, a willage situated on the south-western outskirts of the Niepołomice Forest, on sexually mature specimens of grey toad /Bufo bufo L.). Special attention ... -
Studia nad morfologią i biologią misecznika dwuguzka (Palaeolecanium Bituberculatum Targ., Homoptera, Coccoidea)
(1970)The authors describe in detail the morphology end biology of bitubercular soft scale (Paloeolecanium bituberculatum Targ). The paper comprises the description of the ovule, of the first-and second-phase larvae, of the ... -
Materiały do znajomości czerwców (Coccoidea) występujących na terenie Polski
(1970)The paper lists the species of scale insects (Coccoidea) occurring in the neighbourhood of Kłodzko and Racibórz, where this group of insects has not been investigated so far. The list includes fourteen species of scale ... -
Z zagadnień energetyki ekologicznej
(1970)In the article the author discusses the basic notions in the sphere of ecological energetics. She analyses primary and secondary productivity, end examines the research methods applied nowadays to assess bioceonotic ... -
Wstępne badania nad oddziaływaniem międzygatunkowym u Calandra Granaria L. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) i Oryzaephilus Surinamensis L. (Coleoptera, Cucujidae)
(1970)The paper is a component part of a more extensive research on the interaction between the populations of several species of beetles, stored pests. More specifically, it concerns the interaction between Calandra granaria ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 37. Prace Zoologiczne 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1970) -
Zbieranie, hodowla i konserwacja krajowych zwierząt bezkręgowych
(1967)The paper is of advisory character and is intended for biologists engaged in teaching. Directions are given for the search, in their natural habitats, for suitable specimens of invertebrate animals, their culture in ... -
Komórki Leydiga w regeneratach kończyny i ogona aksolotla (Ambystoma mexicanum Cope)
(1967)A description is given of the migration and further fate of Leydig’s cells in studies on the course of regeneration of the hind limb of the axolotl during 10 months. Five developmental stages of Leydig’s cells were ... -
Stan krwi obwodowej myszy białej przy długotrwałym podawaniu w pożywieniu laktozy
(1967)Thirty male white mice (Mus musculus L.) were used for the experiments. To determine the average norm of the morphotic elements of the blood, control examinations were carried out on ten individuals. The changes occurring ... -
Zjawisko rytmu rocznego u płazów
(1967)In Part I the author discusses the importance of studies on the annual rhythm in amphibians from the point of view of General Biology, and the main difficulties in the carrying out of investigations. These investigations ... -
Rozwój narządu rozrodczego samicy żaby moczarowej (Rana arvalis arvalis Nilsson) na tle rocznego cyklu jej życia
(1967)1. Researches were carried out in 1962—1965 in the Niepołomice Woods (latitude 50°00 N, longitude 20°20’ E) at Staniątki (forest) and Szarów (peaty meadow). 582 sexually mature female marsh frogs (Rana arvalis arvalis ... -
Zmienność gruczołów grzbietowo-brzeżnych u larw II stadium i samic Lecanium corni Bouché z Taxus baccata L.
(1967)A discription is given of the position of the dorsal-marginal glands (sub-marginal tubercles) in larvae in the second stage and females of the Brown Scale Insect (Lecanium corni Bouché). There are usually five pairs of ... -
Czerwce (Homoptera, Coccoidea) - uwagi ogólne, preparatyka
(1967)The author describes one of the most interesting groups of insects, the Coccoidea, drawing attention to their biological and morphological characteristics and to their significance in human economy, and giving directions ... -
Z badań nad szkodnikami produktów spożywczych
(1967)The article discusses the role and significance of pests in food products, with special attention to granary pests. There is a preliminary discussion of the damage caused by pests belonging to diffedent animal groups, ... -
Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. Z. 29. Prace z Zoologii 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 1967)