Przymiotniki z formantem -čiv- w języku rosyjskim i polskim
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Jochym-Kuszlikowa, Ludwika
xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-citation: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1970, Z. 34, Prace Rusycystyczne 3, s. [103]-125
xmlui.dri2xhtml.METS-1.0.item-iso: pl
Date: 1970
Show full item recordAbstract
The object of the article has been to analyse, under the aspects of word-formation and semantics, adjectives with
the -čiv- formant in Russian, to examine the position of this formation within the Russian wordformation system,
and to compare this type with the corresponding Polish formations.
The author begins with an outline of the origin, evolution and productivity of adjectives with the -čiv- formant in
Russian as virtually the only Slavonic language which is the source and carrier of a derivation of this type. The
-čiv- formant is added to verbal roots, almost exclusively of prefixal character, vesting the derivation with a
distincly inclinational meaning.
The author has analysed over 1400 Russian adjectives, selected chiefly from lexicographic material of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as well as from folk writing and literature proper of that period. As regards
Polish, only seven adjectives in -czywy have been found. On confronting these residuary unproductive Polish
formations with the type of Russian adjectives with -čiv- the author has been able to trace certain similarities
regarding both word-formation and semantics. Considering also the striking convergence in time between the
appearance of the -czywy formation in Polish and that of the corresponding formations in Russian the author reaches
the conclusion that the Polish adjectives of this type owe their origin to Russian influence.
In the conclusion of her article the author sums up her comparative analysis by stating that there is complete
difference between the productivity of the -čiv- formative in Russian and in Polish; she accounts for it by the
dependence of this formative of the development of the word-formative systems, typical of each language; in this ca
se it is the dependence on a related adjectival formant -liv-, as well as on nominal word-formation (nomina
actionis and nomina agentis).
In Polish the old Slavonic interdependencies of word-formative types have survived: thus, nomina actionis usually
do not and in -ka, nomina agentis end in -nik, and adjectives end in -liwy. On the other hand, a different
evolution of Russian nomina actionis which end in -ka, and of nomina agentis which end in —čik (-ščik) led up to
the origination of the adjectival formative -čiv-, more specialized than the multi-functional formant -liv-.