Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Zależność struktury kryształów typu A B od ładunków efektywnych rdzeni atomowych
The concept of electronegativity was used in this work to analyze the stability of AB type crystalline structures. The parameters of the dependence between ion energy and the charge were adjusted applying a new method. The ...
Charakterystyki prądowo-napięciowe ferroelektryków
The review of the most important theoretical considerations explaining the shape of I-V characteristics for ferroelectric materials is done. The assumptions and calculations proposed by Fridkin-Kreher and Krapivin-Chensky ...
Zastosowanie teorii funkcjonału gęstości do określenia potencjału chemicznego niejednorodnego gazu elektronowego
Essential information about density functional theory (DFT) are given as well as the possibilities of application for determination of chemical potential are shown. The examples of calculations, made for various electron ...
Przejście fazowe antyferroelektryk - paraelektryk w niestechiometrycznym $NaNbO_3$
The theory of AFE-PE phase transformation as formulated by Kittel is reviewed. The experimental values obtained from dielectric measurements are related, to the parameters of Kittel's thermodynamic function.
Some of the ...