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dc.contributor.authorSalach, Jadwigapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1977, Z. 60, Prace Fizyczne 2, s. [33]-43pl_PL
dc.description.abstractFor most secondary school pupils physics proves to be a difficult subject. The reason for this is to be sought rather in the lack of proper didactic measures aiming at a well-graded mental development of the pupils than in the overburdened teaching syllabus. There is too great a gap between the requirements put to the pupils of the top class of a primary school (mainly qualitative description of the phenomena) and those put to the pupils of the first class of a secondary school (where a description in mathematical terms is required). Text-books of physics for primary schools might be subjected to serious criticism (as they betray errors both in the method and in the teaching material itself, the detrimental effects of which can be felt in the later study of physics at a secondary school). Hence the reason for the difficulties experienced in learning physics at school is to be sought in the fact that the rule of grading the difficulties is not observed and that the text-books have not been changed for years.en_EN
dc.titlePrzyczyny niepowodzeń szkolnych w zakresie fizyki w klasach pierwszych szkół średnichpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe reasons of difficulties in learning physics in the lower classes of secondary schoolsen_EN

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