Tragizm, wiedźmy i Elsynor : co Szekspir mówi dzieciom we współczesnej szkole
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Pieniążek, Marek
Źródło: Szekspir wśród znaków kultury polskiej / pod red. Ewy Łubieniewskiej, Krystyny Latawiec, Jerzego Waligóry. - Kraków : Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2012. - S. 405-[419].
Język: pl
Data: 2012
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The article discusses the presence of Shakespeare’s works in the existing core curriculum and textbooks for the
Polish language classes. The author analyses the propositions to the work with texts by Shakespeare in school
textbooks. This analysis shows that the school’s interpretation of Shakespeare’s dramas omitted essential features
of drama and dramatic form, which diminishes educational value of this projects, especially from the perspective of
postmodern culture. As the contexts are used modern realisations of Shakespeare dramas and discussed is their
possible educational use at school. The author emphasizes the necessity of training teachers of Polish to writing
fragments of dramas about contemporary existential situation of young people. The conclusion of the article is that
drama at school should be read as a process of subjective knowledge.