Studia Linguistica: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-40 z 517
Z polskich drobiazgów słownikowych Tadeusza Szymańskiego: japa
(2023)The article deals with the Polish dialectal word japa, which was the subject of interest of T. Szymanski. It presents a point in the discussion concerning the etymology of the mentioned dialectal word. The author has ... -
Wczesne objawy zakłóceń procesu nabywania systemu językowego
(2023)The article discusses the prodromal signs of language system acquisition disorders, allowing to start early stimulation of infants. The results of the diagnosis of developmental disorders of a group of infants (n=7) from ... -
Dopełniacz w nauczaniu dzieci z Ukrainy języka polskiego jako drugiego. Wnioski z analizy kontrastywnej języka polskiego, ukraińskiego oraz rosyjskiego
(2023)The similarities between the first language and the acquired second language are the cause of the interference. Inflectional errors committed by Ukrainians learning Polish include the adoption from Ukrainian or Russian ... -
Kilka uwag o fonetyce ligi bałkańskiej
(2023)The focus of this article is the origins of (1) reduced vowels in languages of the Balkan Sprachbund, (2) lenition of soft stops, (3) its (pre)nasalization, (4) the change of -n- into -r- in the Tosk dialect of Albanian ... -
Ruczaj i *ręczaj w słownictwie i nazewnictwie polskim. Próba nowego spojrzenia z perspektywy słowiańskiej
(2023)Onomastic data entitle to believe that Old Polish inherited from Common Slavic two variants of a term for ‘(small) stream’, namely, *ręczaj < *rǫčajь and *ruczaj < *ručajь. Both seem attested only by proper names (15th–20th ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 372. Studia Linguistica 18
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKEN, Kraków, 2023) -
What-clefts with adjectives in English: A corpus-based analysis
(2022)This paper aims to investigate the what-cleft construction with adjectives and establish its structural, semantic, and distributional features by adopting frame semantics and usagebased construction grammar, exploiting ... -
Koncepcja prawdy prasowej i jej wykładniki w osiemnastowiecznych gazetach rękopiśmiennych Teodora Ostrowskiego
(2022)The subject of interest in the article are the handwritten newspapers of Teodor Ostrowski from 1782. The aim of the presented analyses was to examine the basic category of truth for the information (press) releas and to ... -
Nazwy zespołów i tytuły utworów disco polo. Rekonesans onomastyczno-kulturowy
(2022)In the article, I discuss the names of disco polo bands (disco polo is a kind of Polish pop music) and songs. I analyse the names from the linguistic and cultural perspective. I also highlight the external contexts. I ... -
Reprezentacje leksykalne pojęcia MSZA ŚWIĘTA w średniowieczu. Analiza onomazjologiczna
(2022)In the article, the subject of description included continuous and discontinuous auto-semantic lexical units used in the medieval language (until the end of the 15th century) which are a lexical representation of the ... -
Liczba trzy w kulturze i języku
(2022)Already in the oldest cultures, numbers were used not only for counting, but humans used them to tame and organise the world and attributed to them magical, mystical and causative powers. It is difficult to characterise ... -
My i Oni: O językowych wykładnikach wyrażających stosunek nauczycieli do uczniów cudzoziemców w świetle krytycznej analizy dyskursu
(2022)The following study utilises the data from a larger project (Rokita-Jaśkow et al., 2022) with a view to analysing the way in which EFL teachers describe their encounters with multilingual learners in their monolingual ... -
Mitologizmy grecko-rzymskie w retrokryminałach Marka Krajewskiego – konwencja i inwencja w aspekcie funkcjonalnym
(2022)The subject to be presented and described in the present paper are word combinations with mythological (Graeco-Roman) origins occurring in eight crime novels penned by Marek Krajewski, taking the shape of: (i) better or ... -
Związki frazeologiczne i skrzydlate słowa pochodzące z filmowej trylogii Sylwestra Chęcińskiego (na wybranych przykładach)
(2022)In contemporary Polish, there are phraseologies and winged words that come from film, series, songs, the language of politics, advertising, popular TV and radio programs. S. Chęciński’s trilogy includes, among others, ... -
O funkcjach, budowie i nazywaniu tchawicy w naukach medycznych, w historii polszczyzny oraz w gwarach
(2022)This paper is devoted to the lexeme tchawica from a diachronic perspective. The first part is the description of a trachea (its functions and structure) as an anatomical organ, which is followed by the analysis of its ...