Kryteria doboru treści kształcenia stosowane przez nauczycieli klas przy określaniu zakresu treści z zoologii strunowców
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Zębalska, Elżbieta
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1982, Z. 81, Prace Zoologiczne 4, s. 73-[110]
Język: pl
Data: 1982
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
In this paper, the results of examinations on criterions of selection of education’s substances from the range of
zoology of Chordata were showed. The analysis of national and foreign educators’ and didacties’ views on employment
of criterions of education’s selections were made. The results of the studies were described using the following
methods: pedagogical observation, inquiry, method of matrix and diagrams and statistical methods.
Data obtained from experiments allowed to answer on hypothesis of studies. It was found that:
1). The general frame of programatic slogans shows the way to various interpretation of them by the teachers.
Programs of education have working character and they contain brief and general formulations.
2). Various criterions of material substance of selection of educations using by the teachers leads to divergence
in designate of detailed range of teaching for unit of lessons in different schools of the same grade of education.
Differences concern of amount and range of notions introduces by the teachers and observations from zoology of
Chordata practises by the pupils.