dc.description.abstract | The aim of research presented in the paper is an attempt to reconstruct a linguistic image of friendship, i.e.
cognitive structures of chosen notions, recorded in opinions of pupils attending grammar school. It is joined with
ascertainment what features of a subject were fixed in grammar-school pupils' language, what aspects they refer
to, how these aspects are characterized.
Presentation of the gathered material followed analyses of dictionary definitions of friendship as a lexical item
as well as reference to contemporary linguists' considerations of this value.
From the research it appears that friendship is defined by pupils as strong indissoluble tie between people. In
pupils' opinion defining friendship as a feeling that joins people or as close hearty relations/contacts with
another person appears considerably more rarely. It is proper to notice that friendship is valuing positively in
95% of the opinions. The most often it is defined as a great true gift.
From the research it also appears that ca 50% of investigated pupils think that friendship is the basis or the
basic purpose friendship arises for is mutual help, ca 35% of them lay particular stress on pleasure to be in a
friend's company.
To the most important aspects of friendship grammar-school pupils of the first forms number: mutual help (55%),
spending time together (40%). trust (25%). sincerity (23%), mutual kindness (20%), and to less important aspects
they number similar interests, a feeling of safety, respect (less than 20%). Forgiveness as a characteristic of
friendship was mentioned very seldom. | en_EN |