„Norwida wywyższenie tradycji” a jej postmodernistyczna relatywizacja
Gadamska-Serafin, Renata
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 115, Studia Linguistica 7 (2012), Dialog z tradycją, cz. 2, s. [34]-46
Język: pl
Data: 2012
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Norwid’s affirmative attitude to tradition is fundamentally different from the post-modern
ideologies, which only superficially approve of the past and its heritage. Postmodernism,
which is post-historical in its nature, essentially undermines tradition by relativizing it.
Meanwhile, according to Norwid, tradition is a universal repository of objective values, not
just a collection of irrelevant quotations. The poet accepts and emphasizes the objectivity of
the tradition, its transcendent source, its integrity and continuity and – unlike postmodernists
who relativize and deconstruct tradition – detaches it from any transcendence and sets it in
a mocking atmosphere of the carnival. In Norwid’s theory of axiological culture, tradition and
progress condition each other and are inextricably linked. Relativistic culture of taste, in fact,
antagonizes them. However, this does not protect tradition from being secondary, exhausted
or dealing just with “leftovers”.