Wzór literacki w kształceniu sprawności językowej
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Dyduchowa, Anna
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1986, Z. 102, Prace z Dydaktyki Literatury i Języka Polskiego 3, s. 103-114
Język: pl
Data: 1986
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The paper deals with these aspects of the training of linguistic proficiency which expose the role of models in a
child’s creative verbal expression as w ell as that of imitation in the teaching of speech.
The author formulates a thesis according to which a literary model can and ought to play an important part in the
forming of a pupil’s linguistic competence.
The above-mentioned thesis is based upon following reasons:
Firstly — both pedagogical and psychological studies bear evidence to the fact that it is possible to steer the
nature of the children’s inclination to imitate in such a w ay that a model — a literary one among others — may
inspire the imagination of a child and in consequence his creative verbal activity.
Secondly — manifold observations of the creative activity of children perm it us to come to the conclusion that a
child’s creativeness is similar to that of an artist. Therefore it is worth while to expose the nature of a
creative attitude to children in the process of an analysis of literary work at school.
Thirdly — a literary text is a form of the manifestation of different linguistic values so that we are able to
show the pupils this coexistence of various aspects of language during the process of the training of the receipt
of literary work; we may also use it in order to develop their linguistic proficiency.
In the fourth place — an elementary principle of teaching recommends the necessity of the natural integrity
between linguistic and literary training. It is an argument for the connecting an analysis of a literary model
with the training of linguistic proficiency.
In the fifth place —< the use of a literary model and its imitation in the teaching of both speaking and writing
has had a long tradition in Poland.
In the sixth place — the experience of the modern didactics of a mother tongue all over the world (e.g. in France)
testifies to the good results of such actions in the training of linguistic proficiency which consist in both the
imitation and the transformation of models.