Formy publicystyczne w kształceniu literackim i językowym w ujęciu programów nauczania liceum ogólnokształcącego
Jedliński, Ryszard
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1986, Z. 102, Prace z Dydaktyki Literatury i Języka Polskiego 3, s. 157-[173]
Język: pl
Data: 1986
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The authors of the curriculum , taking into consideration different conditions of the process of the teaching of
literature and the training of linguistic proficiency, cannot leave out of account such a domain of literary
output, especially important in the epoch of mass media, as publicism . The differentiation between literature and
publicism has for at least two centuries influenced the formation of the structure of m any genres which function
in the field of or the border-line between these domains of literary production.
Without the know ledge of the genology of publicistic and adjacent forms and their connection with literature it
is difficult to speak about the comprehensive receipt of literary work at school. The connections in questions
have been considered in the paper together with specific features of structure, composition, style, and language
of such genres as a review, an interview, an essay, an article, a paragraph, a report.
While discussing the changes of the place of these genres in school programmes, the author points out first of all
their role in the process of literary and linguistic instruction, both at school and out of it. A special
attention has been paid to the forming of competence in the domain of the transmitting and receiving information,
and, above all, to the degree of the complexity of the structure, composition, style, and language of the form of
the utterance in question, to its instructive and cognitive function, as well as to the pupils’ abilities in the
field of written utterance. The necessity of the consequent enriching of the knowledge and competence, acquired by
the pupils in elementary school, on the secondary level of school education, and that of avoiding of several
years’ pauses in the work connected with different forms of utterance has also been emphasized.
A special importance has been attibuted to the factors of motivation which influence distinctly the direction and
activity of the pupils’ creative actions. It has been indicated that young people in the period of adolescence are
especially disposed to a very personal, free, critical as w ell as emotional discussion — both oral and written —
of their problems, to the expressing of their opinions about the realities of everyday life or about the contents
and structure of literary, audial or audio-visual production.
In the conclusion of the paper the author expresses his opinion according to which, though publicistic forms have
for many years occupied a perm anent place in the leaching programmes of Polish language, this place ought to be
still ex tented in order to help effectively the training of the literary culture of young people, and to
influence the development of the natural, individual style of their utterance.