Studia Mathematica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 215
Classes of multivalent analytic functions with Montel's normalization
(2012)In this paper we define classes of functions with Montel's normalization. We investigate the coeffcients estimates, distortion properties, the radii of starlikeness and convexity, subordination theorems, partial sums and ... -
An analytic description of the class of rational associative functions
(2012)We dael with the following problem: which rational functions of two variables are associative? We provide a complete answer to that question. -
Rank function equations
(2012)The purpose of this paper is to introduce the notion of rank function equation, and to present some results on such equations. In particular, we find all sequences $(A_{1}, ..., A_{k}, B)$ of nonzero nilpotent $n \times ... -
Congruences characterizing twin primes
(2012)Inspired by P.A. Clement’s results in [2], we give new necessary and sufficient conditions for two prime numbers to be twin primes. -
On stability of some functional equations and topology of their target spaces
(2012)Some remarks about the coherence of the stability of several functional equations with topology of their target spaces are given. The equations in question are: homogeneity (first of all) and quadratic ones, as well as ... -
Multivalued second order differential problem
(2012)Let $K$ be a closed convex cone with nonempty interior in a real Banach space and let $F,G,H: K → cc(K)$ be three given continuous additive set-valued functions. We study the existence and uniqueness of a solution of the ... -
Ma's identity and its application
(2012)In the paper we distinguish the, so called, Ma's polynomials and we introduce connections of these polynomials with the classic Cauchy polynomials and the Ferrers-Jackson's polynomials. Presented connections enable to ... -
Blowup and specialization methods for the study of linear systems
(2012)The computation of the dimension of linear systems of curves with imposed base multiple points on surfaces is a difficult problem, with open conjectures that are being approached only with partial success. Among others, ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 122. Studia Mathematica 11
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2012) -
On Minkowski decomposition of Okounkov bodies on a Del Pezzo surface
(2011)We show that on a blow up of $ℙ^2$ in 3 general points there exists a finite set of nef divisors $P_1 ,..., P_s$ such that the Okounkov body $∆(D)$ of an arbitrary effective $ℝ–divisor$ $D$ on $X$ is the Minkowski ... -
Über Extrema mit Nebenbedingungen
(2011)Zweck der vorliegenden Arbeit is es, eine gut handhabbare Methode zu zeigen, womit man die hinreichende Bedingung für die Existenz eines Extremums unter Nebenbedingungen behandeln kann. Das Resultat ist eigentlich nicht ... -
The regular density on the plane
(2011)In the note [1] the notion of the regular density point of the measu- rable subset of the real line was introduced. Then it was shown that the new definition is equivalent to the definition of O’Malley points, which has ... -
A more colorful hat problem
(2011)The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The ... -
The research on the strong Markov property
(2011)Let $X(t, ω) ≜ {x_t(ω); t ≥ 0}$ be a Markov process defined on a probability space $(Ω, F, P)$ and valued in a measurable space $(E, ε)$. In this paper, we give the definitions of $σ-algebras$ prior to $α$ and $post-α$ ... -
Nonlocal Robin problem in a plane domain with a boundary corner point
(2011)We investigate the behavior of weak solutions to the nonlocal Robin problem for linear elliptic divergence second order equations in a neighborhood of the boundary corner point. We find an exponent of the solution decreasing ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 102. Studia Mathematica 10
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Some properties of analytic sets with proper projections
(2010)We give an affective criterion when an analytic set with proper projection is algebraic. We take an ideal of polynomials vanishing on the set then we construct a polydisc convenient for reduction. If this polydisc is ... -
On systems of equations with unknown multifunctions related to the plurality function
(2010)Let $T$ be a nonempty set. Inspired by a problem posed by Z. Moszner in [10] we investigate for which additional assumptions put on multifunctions $Z(t):T → 2^{ℝ(m)}$, which fulfil condition \[ ⋃_{t ∈ T} Z(t)=ℝ(m)\], and ... -
Boundary value problems with shift for generalized analytic vectors
(2010)This paper is a survey of the most important work of the well-known Georgian mathematician Professor Giorgi Manjavidze “Boundary value problems for analytic and generalized analytic functions”. Here we present his original ...