Przeglądaj 2005, Studia Historica 4 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 31
Świat "na opak" - ironia, przestroga, rzeczywistość. Literackie wyobrażenie kobiet aspirujących do kierowania państwem
(2005)The article is a comparative study of Lysistrata (411 B.C.) and Women in Parliament (391 B.C.) - comedies by Aristophanes, Feminine Parliament (ca. 1569) - a work by Marcin Bielski, and Gobiemo Reprezentativo y ... -
Gimnazjaliści galicyjscy doby autonomicznej. Charakterystyka społeczności
(2005)One of the consequences of introducing autonomy in Galicia was the enlivening of the education at the secondary level. It was demonstrated by establishing a larger number of high schools and by the larger number of ... -
W gościnie u Stadnickich z Nawojowej (1878-1944)
(2005)The Stadnickis from Nawojowa, much like other aristocratic families, entertained many guests in their abode. They hosted ordinary people, family members, neighbours, as well as distinguished personages, and even world ... -
Status i wizerunek Murzynów w kolonialnej Wirginii
(2005)The main subject of the article are the characteristics of the adaptation of the slavery system in Virginia, and the analysis of the perception of the Blacks by the white inhabitants of the Old Dominion. Formation of the ... -
Monety Aretasa IV i Agryppy I a chronologia życia Jezusa. Czy Jezus został ukrzyżowany w 21 r. po Chr.?
(2005)The article is an analysis of the theory presented by Jerry Vardanian, who maintains that Jesus was born in 12 BC, and crucified in AD 21. The American researcher questions numerous records which corroborate the traditional ... -
Staropolskie mowy weselne
(2005)In the old Polish period, orations were an indispensable element of all family celebrations. Gentry, and other social classes following it, took delight in long speeches. Wedding speeches can be classified in a broader ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 28. Studia Historica 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2005) -
Stan sieci komunikacyjnej w województwie krakowskim w latach Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej
(2005)The problem of transport infrastructure in Cracow province during 1918-1939 can be wrapped up with the following conclusions: • the condition and the territorial shape of the transport system in Cracow province was greatly ... -
Działalność rolna administracji żywieckiej w dobrach Albrechta Fryderyka Habsburga w latach 1871-1880
(2005)In the 19th century in Western Galicia, on the territory of the former Żywiec country of the Wielopolski family, there existed an estate whose owners were the Habsburgs. Żywieckie lands were linked with that family from ... -
Druga próba uruchomienia produkcji silników lotniczych Polskie Zakłady Škody (1926-1935)
(2005)Dissolution of the agreements with the French-Polish Aircraft and Automobile Plants resulted in calling a competition for the start up of production of aircraft engines in Poland. Among the received offers, the military ... -
Ruch sokoli w Krakowie przed I wojną światową
(2005)In 1885 in Cracow, the “Sokół” (Falcon) Gymnastic Society started its activity aiming at promotion of gymnastic exercises and other forms of physical education. It was an association whose goal was the physical and ...