Artykuły naukowe (WMFT): Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-40 of 756
Analysis of a two-position regulation system with correction
(2017)The article analyses the two-position regulation system. The simulation results of a simple two-position system without correction and correction of the controller are presented. The influence of some coefficients is ... -
Efekty uderzenia wybranych rodzajów pocisków w blachy stalowe
(2017)Efficiency of a firearm depends on both ammunition and a type of a gun. Bullets differ in calibre and framework. The core of a bullet destructive impact is the way of energy transfers and its distribution in the material. ... -
Sztuczna inteligencja w animacji trójwymiarowych postaci z pojedynczego zdjęcia
(2018)Computer animation is a method that allows to move objects registered on a series of images, drawings that are introduced into continuous motion. Animation accompanies us every day and its achievements and strong development ... -
Technologia ogniw paliwowych i jej wkład w rozwój współczesnej techniki
(2018)The article presents fuel cell technology and possibilities that lie behind the invention belonging to the group of energy generators. The nature of their operation, examples of projects and properties that make them ... -
Możliwości zastosowania trybu niskiej próżni w badaniach mikrostruktury w skaningowym mikroskopie elektronowym JEOL 6610Lv
(2018)The paper presents the possibilities of observing microstructures using the JEOL 6610Lv scanning microscope located at the Institute of Technology UP using low vacuum observation techniques. The tests were carried out ... -
Uwarunkowania rynku pracy a absolwenci kierunków inżynieryjno-technicznych
(2018)The modern labour market is characterised by instability and unpredictability. In the face of the changes taking place on the market, new forms of the market are appearing, which also require more and more extensive ... -
Conformity assessment of a radial fan flow characteristics investigated experimentally and modeled by the mathematical equations for transformation of an ideal gas
(2016)This work is devoted to the analysis of an installation with radial and centrifugal fans. Knowledge of the scope and parameters of each operation is necessary for the proper selection of the installation. The analysis ... -
Capabilities of microclimate parameters control with the use of embedded system
(2016)The paper describes a practical application of an embedded system for controlling selected microclimate parameters. The microclimate control system was designed, performed and programmed. The study was preceded by an ... -
Technology and its social and educational influence
(2016)The omnipresent technology makes the life of a modern man easier. Undoubtedly, it also serves educational and social functions through technical aspects of everyday life, as well as information, way of communication and ... -
Technical education as a challenge of modern education towards social – civilizational transformation
(2016)Technological progress and changes in the labor market are the elements that indicate cultural progress of a society. The study shows that the technical progress and related to it scientific knowledge should be an integral ... -
The effect of small additions of co on the density and surface properties of liquid tin
(2016)Density and surface tension of the molten Sn-Co containing 2.5; 5 and 10 at% of Co have been studied by means of sessile drop method. The temperature dependence of obtained parameters is analyzed and interpreted from the ... -
Sztuczne sieci neuronowe w inżynierii sejsmicznej
(2016)The paper deals with the application of artificial neural networks in solving some problems concerning seismic and paraseismic engineering. Briefly discussed are: forecasting of seismic parameters as well as parameters ... -
Stained-glass windows – modern manufacturing techniques
(2016)Glass is a material that works well in the creating of art stained glass for several thousand years. Stained-glass windows have their own mysterious charm that lies in the play of light in the crystal structure of glass. ... -
From Pavlov to EEG Biofeedback
(2016)The study presents achievements of Polish scientists in the field of EEG Biofeedback method. Thanks to them the interdisciplinary character of this method was developed. EEG Biofeedback method is based on solid scientific ... -
Measurement techniques in solid oxide fuel cells: infrared thermal imaging
(2016)Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are high temperature electrochemical devices, which convert the energy of a chemical reaction directly into electricity. The long-term performance of fuel cells is strictly related to both ... -
Discovering mechatronics with children
(2016)Universities of Children are a new form of developing the interests of children by regular meetings at universities and other institutions of culture (e.g. at the Pedagogical University of Cracow or in Wadowice Culture ... -
Sentence Completion Program as effective on-line coaching as exemplified by Nathaniel Branden’s program for improving self-esteem
(2016)Sentence Completion Program is technique, which help people to strengthen their self-esteem. Participants of Program each day of week ended special selected sentences to develop their self-conscious, facilitate ... -
Fast Algorithms for Reliability Importance Index Evaluation
(2016)Nowadays the reliability of products is of interest of their designers and users. It concerns any area of products, from simple home electronic devices to complex and critical industrial systems like atomic power plants ... -
Organiczne diody elektroluminescencyjne – nowa generacja ekranów wideo
(2013)The paper presents problems related to the achievement of the organic LED's technological level allowing their use in imaging systems. Discussed problems resulting the current addressing on phosphors sustainability. ... -
Dobór nastaw cyfrowych i analogowych regulatorów PI 2DOF dla obiektu całkującego z opóźnieniem
(2013)The paper is devoted to the unified approach to the tuning of the digital and analog PI controllers with two-degrees-of-freedom by the multiple dominant pole method for integrating plants with a time delay on the basis ...