Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 294
Styl ilustracji Edwarda Okunia w czasopiśmie „Chimera"
(2005)In 1901-1907, Edward Okuń was the illustrator of “Chimera”, a Warsaw literary and artistic magazine. In his work, he yielded to the influence of secession and to the climate of symbolism. When illustrating literary works, ... -
Kilka refleksji o serialu Rodzina Połanieckich i filmie Marynia
(2005)In 1978, Jan Rybkowski filmed the novel by Sienkiewicz The Połaniecki Family, which divided the Polish society and critics when it was published in 1895. The director made his film adaptation in the form of a TV miniseries, ... -
Sentencje pana Zagłoby w Trylogii Henryka Sienkiewicza
(2005)Jan Onufry Zagłoba, the character in Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Trilogy, is an individual using colourful, juicy language, full of various expressions, and facetious sayings. The characteristic feature of the speech of this ... -
Wydawcy polskich edycji Potopu Henryka Sienkiewicza do 2002 roku
(2005)Novels by Henryk Sienkiewicz enjoy great popularity among readers. This fact is confirmed by the rankings of the most popular writers and the most frequently read literary works, which are prepared from time to time. ... -
Muzeum Marii Konopnickiej w Żarnowcu jako ośrodek kulturotwórczy
(2005)The article describes all of the major culture-creating accomplishments of the Museum in Żarnowiec during the 45 years of its activity in 1957-2002. It presents the circumstances of creating the Museum founded on the ... -
Książki i czasopisma wydawane we Lwowie w XIX i na początku XX wieku - ze zbiorów Biblioteki Głównej Akademii Pedagogicznej (wystawa)
(2005)The article presents the most interesting specimens of books and journals in the collection of the Main Library of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, which were published in Lvov in the 19th and beginning of 20th ... -
Wydawnictwa ciągłe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie 1954-1999
(2005)The publishing activity emerged from University’s statutory tasks whereas amount and publishing level stayed in close dependence on the original institution’s development. In the present study the serial publishing of ... -
Kartka z dziejów 45-lecia Archiwum AP im. KEN w Krakowie
(2005)The oldest pedagogical university in Poland is preparing its 60-year jubilee (1946-2006). Over 100 thousand students graduated from this school during that time. About three thousand staff members of the school worked ... -
Utwory romantyków polskich w procesie kształcenia galicyjskiej młodzieży szkolnej w latach 1860-1900 - uwagi na marginesie badań nad recepcją
(2005)In the Polish school system after the partitions, the literary public was composed of pupils of the elementary and intermediate schools, gymnasia, pro-gymnasia, and seminaries. The reception of the works occurred during ... -
Pajdocentryczne środki poetyckie
(2005)The article discusses the ever present animisation and personification found in the literature addressed to children, which comprises broad domains of the psychological and physical life. Cosmos is endowed with an awareness ... -
Opowieści spirytystyczne w prozie drugiego pokolenia pozytywistów. (Na przykładzie nowel: On i my Hajoty, Dr Fausta Ostoi oraz Spirytystki Cecylii Walewskiej)
(2005)The article concerns esoteric interests of the second generation of positivists. In the work of minor writers of the second generation, occult plots appear as a reflex of the 19lh century fascination with mediums. Similar ... -
Marian Eile (1910-1984) biografia, anegdota, legenda
(2005)Marian Eile, alias Bracia Rojek, Salami Kożerski, Andrzej Wermer, Alojzy Kaczanowski, bom in 1910, died in 1984, journalist, graphic artist. Since 1935, in “Wiadomości Literackie”, since 1941, a stage designer at the ... -
Jan Kasprowicz we wspomnieniach Kornela Makuszyńskiego. Przyczynek do biografii
(2005)The article discusses friendship between Jan Kasprowicz and Kornel Makuszyński. The author of “The Hymns”, still during Makuszynski’s secondary school years, printed two of his sonnets on the front page of “Tygodnik Słowo ... -
Krakowska prasa naukowa i fachowa 1989-1998 (przegląd tematyczny)
(2005)The outline contains a synthetic overview of the scientific, specialist, and popular science periodicals published in Krakow in 1989-1998, classified according to the criterion of subject matter (524 titles in total). ... -
Muzyka i teatr na łamach londyńskiego „Dziennika Polskiego" w latach 1940-1943
(2005)The article is one more study within the series presenting the cultural life of the Polish emigration, in the broadest sense of the word, during World War II, as written about in the London “Dziennik Polski in 1940-1943, ... -
Sytuacja na frontach i polityka międzynarodowa w konspiracyjnych czasopismach społeczno-kulturalnych Krakowa okresu II wojny światowej
(2005)The underground social and cultural magazines published in Krakow during World War II devoted a good deal of space to present information about the situation on the fronts, and news concerning international politics. The ... -
Lwowska prasa przed powstaniem styczniowym
(2005)The beginnings of the press in Lvov are related to leaflet and press-like publications which were published in 17— 18th centuries (among other “Nowiny, “Relation aus Lamberg”, “Awizy”). After the first partition, when ... -
Kultura informacyjna w szkole
(2005)The information centres emerging at Polish schools in recent years, more and more frequently constitute an integral part of the innovative activities of a given educational institution. Those projects, similarly to other ... -
Dokumenty życia społecznego odbiciem rzeczywistości i zapisem historii
(2005)The author of the article explains the term “documents of social life” against the background of its equivalents functioning in other countries, and he demonstrates its ambiguity. In the practical dimension, that results ...