Studia Politologica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 209
Jarosława Kaczyńskiego krytyka Adama Michnika w latach 1979–1993
(2015)The article is an analysis of the polemics of Jarosław Kaczyński with Adam Michnik. The first one took place on the pages of the underground paper in 1979. Both this one and further polemics of Kaczyński and Michnik point ... -
Ocena III Rzeczypospolitej – płaszczyzna polaryzacji współczesnej polskiej sceny politycznej
(2015)The assessment of the Polish Third Republic was undoubtedly an important plane of polarisation of the contemporary Polish political scene. After the post-communist division, in which a key role was played by the assessment ... -
Ocena Okrągłego Stołu w III Rzeczypospolitej – ciągłość i zmiana
(2015)The assessment of the Round Table was extraordinarily stable. The political environments accepting the Polish Third Republic, taking part in ruling the country, are generally positive about the talks between the government ... -
Prezydentura gen. Wojciecha Jaruzelskiego w świetle teorii i praktyki zarządzania władczymi kompetencjami ustrojowymi
(2015)The institution-legal model of the chair of the President of PPR, designed within the Round Table understanding, was characterised by a strong regime position and many competences, among which an important part took a ... -
Lech Wałęsa i Tadeusz Mazowiecki. Twórcy III RP
(2015)The article aims at presenting the personality of two political leaders – Wałęsa and Mazowiecki. It was they who created the Polish Third Republic - the political reality after the real socialism. Each of them performed ... -
W poszukiwaniu nowej utopii: idea rewolucji edukacyjnej Jacka Kuronia
(2015)The aim of the article is to reconstruct the project of common education revolution of Jacek Kuroń. The base for this concept is found in the conviction that in the modern times, dominated by globalisations issues, human ... -
Uwagi o myśli politycznej Bronisława Geremka
(2015)Bronisław Geremek was one of the architects of the main political changes in Poland and Middle Europe. He contributed to the peaceful democratic changes and implementing the socio-political democratic rules of cooperation ... -
Emigracyjny wizerunek przeciwnika politycznego na tle historycznych resentymentów i w perspektywie zjednoczenia z krajem (1945–1992)
(2015)In the catalogue of the emigration policy goals the motif of the political enemy can be visible in two aspects; as an adversary in the internal political rivalry between the historical groups and as an external enemy – ... -
Między idealizmem a konformizmem. Inteligencji polskiej wizje III Rzeczypospolitej
(2015)One of the more important issues drawing the attention of Polish scholars and publishers in the past quarter-century has been undoubtedly the condition and role of the Polish intelligence during the social and political ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 181. Studia Politologica 14
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2015) -
Rola potencjału militarnego w polityce zagranicznej na przykładzie polityki Polski wobec obszaru byłej Jugosławii
(2014)The article discusses the importance of military power for the country’s foreign policy. In accordance with Clausweitz’s doctrine which says that war is an extension of diplomacy, the author of the article treats military ... -
Smart Power wobec asymetrii użycia siły wojskowej
(2014)The article discusses the most important issues related to using military power. The author emphasizes the importance of military power both in the history of international relations and in the contemporary world. He ... -
Polska polityka wojskowa w początkach XXI wieku
(2014)The author of the article discusses an important issue related to the Polish defense policy at the beginning of the 21st century. He addresses issues related to national security as well as to political, social, and legal ... -
Uwarunkowania bezpieczeństwa społeczno-ekonomicznego relacji dwustronnych Białorusi i Federacji Rosyjskiej
(2014)This paper covers most important problems in bilateral relations concerning economical, social policy, civilization, culture nad identity issues. An author emphasizes that currently political, economical, social and also ... -
Konflikt o Górski Karabach i próby jego rozwiązania
(2014)The article discusses one of the key problems of the post-Soviet area in respect of broadly understood security. Although almost two decades have passed since its beginning, the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan ... -
Republika Czeczenii – sukces czy porażka rosyjskiej polityki wewnętrznej?
(2014)The article discusses the complex national, economic, and cultural relations in the north- -Caucasian republic as well as evaluates the consequences of the Russian politics towards Chechnya since the end of the second ... -
Rosyjsko-ukraiński konflikt o archipelag wysp Kosa Tuzla: historia, przebieg, konsekwencje
(2014)The article discusses one of conflicts between Russia and Ukraine that still throws shadow on their relationship. As the future was to show, a small group of islands whose affiliation was subject to a political dispute ... -
Kulturowe aspekty bezpieczeństwa: postmodernistyczne zagrożenia tożsamości kulturowej
(2014)The article discusses the most important issues related to cultural identity. It defines cultural identity and determines its place on the global cultural map. The author of the article also deals with defining the level ... -
Biojurysprudencja jako odpowiedź na rozwój współczesnej medycyny
(2014)In the middle of 1990s, a new trend appeared in the Polish jurisprudence, namely biojurisprudence. In his scholarly works, Roman Tokarczyk defined the need for having a fresh look at the world dominated by technological ... -
Bezpieczeństwo edukacyjne jako obszar bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego państwa
(2014)The article discusses the most important issues related to the problem of contemporary education – the role and place that education occupies in the system of the country’s internal security. The author emphasizes the ...