Studia Politologica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 209
Postkomunistyczna lewica, to znaczy jaka?
(2011)The first part of the article includes an analysis of the term: post-communist parties (postcommunists), used in political discourse in the 1990s and in the present decade as a pejorative designatum of the opponent, i.e. ... -
Modernizacja i regres w myśli liberałów w Polsce w latach 80.
(2011)In the 1980s Poland saw the rise of the liberal trend of political thought represented by a different environments. Among the most important ones were: Krakow, Gdansk and Warsaw. The thoughts and activities of their ... -
Jaka pamięć Polski Ludowej jest nam potrzebna?
(2011)Collective memory is never monolithic; through its involvement in culture, numerous relations to the present, it is a conglomerate of different types of beliefs, sometimes mutually complementary, sometimes conflicting. ... -
PRL – historyczna zapaść czy złożona rzeczywistość? Współczesne debaty
(2011)Talking about the People’s Republic of Poland requires special precautions. It is necessary to be aware of conditions that hinder the formulation of answers to questions important for the assessment of the past. One ... -
Spór o bilans PRL na łamach prasy katolickiej po 1989 roku
(2011)The main aim of the analysis is to identify and define the various trends of Catholicism in contemporary Poland, and demonstrate how these divisions are visible on the pages of the Catholic press in the context of ... -
Polska Rzeczypospolita Ludowa w myśli politycznej Prawa i Sprawiedliwości
(2011)The Law and Justice political party (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, PiS) has made an extremely critical evaluation of the People’s Republic of Poland (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa, PRL). PiS politicians have defined the People’s ... -
Tworzenie nowej rzeczywistości – praca wydziału propagandy KW PZPR w Lublinie 1948–1956
(2011)One of the most important elements of the functioning of the communist system was to transform reality in accordance with the expectations of the communist party. At the level of a voivodship these tasks belonged to the ... -
Społeczeństwo obywatelskie – na przykładzie działań NSZZ „Solidarność” w Uniwersytecie Marii Curie Skłodowskiej w Lublinie w latach 1980–1989
(2011)The article discusses the activity of the „Solidarity” Independent Self-Governing Trade Union at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin in 1980–1989. Actions taken by the said trade union constituted evidence of the ... -
Aktywność środowisk twórczych Górnego Śląska w Polsce Ludowej – możliwości i ograniczenia
(2011)The article attempts to assess the activity of the artistic circles of Upper Silesia in the period of the People’s Republic of Poland. The author presents the elements distinguishing the reality of Upper Silesia in ... -
Lokalna aktywność społeczno-polityczna krakowskiego środowiska naukowego w latach 1983–1988
(2011)The aim of this article is an attempt at analysing the socio-political attitudes of the academic community in Krakow in the period from the lifting of martial law in July 1983 to December 1988. Across Poland, those were ... -
Osobliwości powojennych dziejów Krakowa 1945–1970. Tezy
(2011)The author presents in the form of theses those events, phenomena and periods characteristic of the post-war history of Krakow (1945–1970) that distinguish this city, its community, institutions and authorities in the ... -
Przywódcy polityczni Polski Ludowej. Analiza politologiczna
(2011)The present article aims to analyze the political leaders of the People’s Republic of Poland from the point of view of the adopted criteria of leadership qualities, strength of influence and range of influence. Adopting ... -
Obrachunki oświatowe. Od ofensywy ideologicznej w 1944 do kapitulacji w latach 80.
(2011)After 1989 in Poland, the only area of social life which did not experience major shock and rapid change was the Polish educational system. The new authorities, busy carrying out economic and then social reforms, did not ... -
Przenikliwość ówczesnych i współczesny prezentyzm. Problemy modernizacji w dyskursie politycznym sprzed pół wieku
(2011)The subject of the present analysis are speeches by Polish left-wing intellectuals, published in the late 1950s and early 1960s in the press and individual authors’ books on the political and sociological subjects. ... -
Propaganda na rzecz Polski Ludowej. Studium przypadku na przykładzie Tygodnika „Przyjaciółka” (rocznik 1952)
(2011)The „Przyjaciółka” weekly used to have an almost monopolistic position among women’s magazines, which it shared only with the „Moda i Życie Praktyczne” monthly (from 1953 „Kobieta i Życie”). Like other titles in late ... -
Desakralizacja przestrzeni publicznej w Polsce w latach 1947–1956
(2011)Desacralization is a phenomenon underlain by processes of secularization with a multidimensional range. They occur in various areas of life. The analyzed period was marked by the dominance of the political space with ... -
Próby modernizacji świadomości społecznej w PRL
(2011)Modernization of various aspects of collective life is undoubtedly one of those issues which attract the attention of virtually all political actors although the postulates formulated in this area are sometimes characterized ... -
„Plusy pozytywne i negatywne”. Próba wstępnego bilansu przemian społecznych w Polsce Ludowej
(2011)Contemporary opinions on the social history largely differ from the model presented 40 or 30 years ago and the social differentiation is not necessarily based on social classes but equally on gender, ethnic, confessional ... -
Wolna myśl w zniewolonym kraju
(2011)Despite the state control of political and intellectual life in Poland in the second post-war period, the society’s creative thought did not die. Various political thoughts, concepts and ideas were still intensively ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 91. Studia Politologica 6
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011)