Przeglądaj 2002, Studia Politologica 1 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-18 z 18
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 8. Studia Politologica 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2002) -
Ekonomiczne determinanty rozwoju demokracji politycznej w Polsce
(2002)The article is an attempt at exposing links between two areas of human life: politics and economy: and it tries to deal with the problem of the degree of mutual dependency of democracy and economy and the level of their ... -
Główne problemy liberalizacji przepływów kapitałowych w formie bezpośrednich inwestycji między Polską a Unią Europejską
(2002)The Treaty of Poland’s Association with the European Community signed on December 1991 initiated the liberalisation process of the capital flow between Poland and the countries of the European Union. A number of existing ... -
Instytucja Prezydenta RP w świetle prac Komisji Konstytucyjnej Zgromadzenia Narodowego (1994-1997)
(2002)In January 1995 Subcommittee for Editing, General Issues and Regulations for the Introduction of the Constitution worked out a uniform draft of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland in a variant form, which underwent ... -
John Milton a wolność słowa
(2002)John Milton (1608-1674), the famous author of Paradise Lost, in 1644 without the censorship approval published his treaty entitled Areopagitica, in which as one of the first new age thinkers, he spoke in defence of the ... -
Konstanty Krzeczkowski - badacz problemów społecznych i działacz polityczny
(2002)Konstanty Krzeczkowski is an unusual figure of the beginning of the 20th century and he is considered to be one of the eminent social representatives of that period. He was an educator, librarian, sociograph and university ... -
Konwersatorium "Doświadczenie i Przyszłość" wobec zagadnień samorządności terytorialnej
(2002)The political forum called Seminar ‘Experience and Future’, appointed in 1978, presented opinions of a considerable part of Polish intelligentsia during four years of its existence. In the published reports, a review ... -
NSZZ "Solidarność" - niektóre dylematy z lat 1980-1981
(2002)During 1980-1981, apart from the obvious contradictions between the goals of ‘Solidarity’ and the objectives of the government, there also existed contradictions among the assumptions held with regard to the role and the ... -
O identyfikacji i demarkacji nauki o polityce uwag kilka
(2002)The article concentrates on two issues, which are vital for any academic discipline including political science - the issue of identification and the issue of demarcation. Political science is an academic discipline and ... -
Obraz "totalnych" sąsiadów Polski w publicystyce Kazimierza Czapińskiego w latach 1931-1939
(2002)In the 1930-ties Kazimierz Czapiński was one of the important figures in the Polish socialist movement and one of the most prominent socialist journalists. His scope of journalist interests widely encompassed topics about ... -
Organizacja i funkcjonowanie władzy państwowej w powojennej Polsce w publikacjach Stronnictwa Demokratycznego oraz ugrupowań z nim związanych (1939-1945)
(2002)In the underground publications of the Democratic Party ‘Rectangle’, Polish Democratic Party and also associated groups and unions during the period from 1939 to 1945, much space was occupied by the problems concerned ... -
Spory polityczne wokół istoty demokracji w Polsce w latach 1945-1947
(2002)As a result of World War II, Poland, much like the remaining Central-European states, found itself in the Soviet security zone. Thus, the future of the Polish state, its borders, its political system, and its international ... -
Stosunek polskiej powojennej opozycji politycznej do pojęcia rewolucji i zmian rewolucyjnych : analiza zawartości tekstów tzw. drugiego obiegu (1977-1989)
(2002)The object of the analysis is the use of the word revolution in the propaganda of the political opposition during 1977-1989. The underground circulation, which was the forum of expression for the authors connected with ... -
Środowisko tygodnika "Ład" wobec wydarzeń lat osiemdziesiątych w Polsce
(2002)The circles oflay Catholics grouped around the weekly ‘Ład’ referred, in a very general sense, to the traditions of the movement ’Znak’, Representatives of this environment criticised the basic assumptions of the so-called ... -
Współczesna europejska ultraprawica - echo przeszłości czy obawa przed teraźniejszością?
(2002)The article deals with the contemporary political parties of the radical Right in western Europe. The author, reacting to frequently done identification of those parties with the nazi movement, emphasizes the differences ...