Przeglądaj 2002, Studia Philosophica 1 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-13 z 13
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 10. Studia Philosophica 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2002)Studia Philosophica I są kontynuacją Prac Filozoficznych Rocznika Naukowo-Dydaktycznego Akademii Pedagogicznej (wcześniej Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie). Proponowany zestaw tekstów stanowi prezentację drobnych ... -
Kosmos Witolda Gombrowicza testamentem filozoficznym pisarza (próba analizy i interpretacji)
(2002)The subject matter of the article are philosophical motifs of Witold Gombrowicz’s last novel entitled Kosmos. The author tried to show that although his intention was not to create literature exemplifying philosophical ... -
Dlaczego potrzebujemy filozofii i dlaczego od niej odchodzimy, czyli droga do i od filozofii
(2002)The article comprises psychological and philosophical analysis of the man’s cognitive effort aimed at crossing the boundary of natural (common) and scientific knowledge, and reaching the level of philosophical knowledge ... -
Jana Legowicza filozofia nauczania i wychowania
(2002)Philosophical and pedagogic reflection of Jan Legowicz constitutes a component part of the humanum philosophy, which is a contemporary humanistic proposal. Legowicz preceded his philosophical and pedagogical construct ... -
Simone Weil i polityczny romantyzm
(2002)The main ideas of Simone Weil’s political romanticism are following: negative self- definition in relation to the principle ideas of the 18th century and the Revolution of 1789; criticism of civic society based on law ... -
Zagadnienia psychiki i świadomości w poglądach Edwarda Abramowskiego
(2002)Philosophy of psyche and consciousness state a basic problem in Abramowski’s position. Especially, this philosophy is connected with the theory of psychic individuals, which determined theoretical and methodological ... -
Józefa Chałasińskiego koncepcja narodu
(2002)J. Chałasiński treats a culture issue in a close connection with a nation that is the highest organized form of a cultural cooperative. He emphasizes particularly historical continuity of a culture as a basic source of ... -
Spirytualizm i mesjanizm Wincentego Lutosławskiego
(2002)Lutosławski's settlement of the chronology of Platon’s writings has made him a well known philosopher. However, hegave it the secondary meaning. The correct chronology was supposed to fix this final Platon’s opinion, ... -
Poznawanie kultury jako interpretacja symboli
(2002)Researching culture concerns mostly two kinds of phenomena: human behavior and its results, both verbal and nonverbal. Obviously culture contains not only these behavioral or material objects, but their mental reasons ... -
Polskość a uniwersalizm kulturowy
(2002)The article deals with the issues of Polish historic, psychological and philosophical character, the Polish ethos and national character. It discusses the Polish national identity with reference to universal elements of ... -
Jawność adopcji jako problem etyczny i kulturowy w Polsce
(2002)There is tradition in Poland to keep the fact of adoption in secret. Values and cultural background are responsible for it. According to the author as a member of Society of Adopting and Stepfamilies (PRO FAMILIA in ... -
Chromoterapia oraz jej funkcje: symboliczna, terapeutyczna, katartyczna
(2002)Chromotherapy possesses secular tradition, which in contemporary times revived in the form of scientific and semi-scientific investigations concerning the use of colours to treatments of particular diseases. A mechanism ... -
Vsevołod Meyerhold czyli gra konstrukcji
(2002)The article refers till then historical period of the birth artistic vanguard in Russia before explosion of Revolution and close behind hers ending. Vs. Meyerhold’s theoretical and artistic creation is a singular case ...