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dc.contributor.authorSalwińska, Wioletapl_PL
dc.identifier.citationAnnales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 12, Studia Historicolitteraria 2 (2002), s. [179]-188pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe decade of 1905-1915 is a period of a revival of the Polish writing in Vilnius after the time of a publishing stagnation of the last twenty years of the 19lh century. Since 1906 Kalendarz wileński informacyjny (Vilnius Information Calendar) had played an important role. It was addressed to a wide audience: town and province families. Beside calendars of current events and address lists, it included an ambitious section devoted to literary and historic topics. A great function was performed by calendars for the common people: Wieśniak, Vilnius Calendar “Przyjaciel Ludu”, Rural Calendar and Przyjaciel. Apart from extensive practical information and household advice, they fulfilled educational functions thanks to interesting texts on literature and history. Illustrated Calendar of "Kurier Litewski”, published for a short time (1909, 1910), was intended for intelligentsia. A concrete prospective reader was also assumed by the catholic Calendar of the Society "Powściągliwość i Praca”. A single Lithuanian satirical and humorous calendar Bomba was a curiosity. All of those calendars are a source contribution to our acquaintance with Vilnius contemporary reality.en_EN
dc.titleKalendarze wileńskie w latach 1905-1915pl_PL
dc.title.alternativeVilnius calendars of the years 1905-1915en_EN

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