2002, Studia Historicolitteraria 2
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Literatura i kontestacja (krótka historia "bruLionu")
(2002)Cracovian bruLion (noteBook) in the history of Polish literature of the end of the 20th made its name as one of the most important voices of the young generation. The group connected with the magazine, which used ... -
Wileńskie jednodniówki polskojęzyczne z października 1939 r.
(2002)On October 27-28, 1939, Vilnius and the Vilnius province were taken by the Lithuanian Republic. Almost immediately a local substitute of the press in the Polish language was organised in the form of a series of dailies: ... -
O zapomnianej spuściźnie Jerzego Wyszomirskiego
(2002)The article reviews the literary output of Jerzy Wyszomirski, who was a poet, a literary critic and a journalist not widely known nowadays but who was associated with Vilnius in the inter-war period. His collections of ... -
Heroizm i ofiary. W kręgu nowelistyki Juliusza Kadena-Bandrowskiego z okresu Wielkiej Wojny
(2002)The article presents Juliusz Kaden Bandrowski’s literary output connected with the war of Polish independence. The writer, enriched by his own war experience, exploited the war themes and soldiers’ misery extensively. ... -
Postmodernistyczny Porfirion Osiełek
(2002)The study is devoted to the basic aspects of post-modernist ideas and techniques in the non-conformist novel by Gałczyński entitled Porfirion Osieiek, which was based on the assumption that post-modernism in the prose of ... -
Z archiwaliów Reduty w Wilnie w latach 1925-1930
(2002)The contents of the article refer to unknown episodes of the Vilnius activity of the Reduta Theatre directed by Juliusz Osterwa. Source documents found in Vilnius, which had not been earlier used by theatre researchers, ... -
Mickiewicz Redutowców
(2002)The article deals with multidimensional connections of the artists from the Reduta Theatre, the leading theatre of Warsaw and Vilnius in the years 1919-1939, with the ideological and artistic tradition of Adam Mickiewicz. The ... -
Kalendarze wileńskie w latach 1905-1915
(2002)The decade of 1905-1915 is a period of a revival of the Polish writing in Vilnius after the time of a publishing stagnation of the last twenty years of the 19lh century. Since 1906 Kalendarz wileński informacyjny (Vilnius ... -
Młodopolski dramat wewnętrzny
(2002)The title category of “inner drama” is conceived of as an operational concept and not as a. generic name by the author. The material for analysis are various models of inner drama: from the analytical drama, in which one ... -
Styl monologów wewnętrznych a charakterystyka postaci (na przykładzie powieści S.A. Mullera Henryk Flis)
(2002)The aim of the article was to present a method of the analysis of the literary character through the observation of the style of inner monologues in the novel Henryk Flis of 1908 by Stanislaw Antoni Muller. Comprehending ... -
Powieści współczesne Henryka Sienkiewicza w kontekście twórczości Fiodora Dostojewskiego
(2002)The subject matter of the analysed text are contemporary novels by Henryk Sienkiewicz: Bez dogmatu, Rodzina Połanieckich and by Fiodor Dostojewski: Bracia Karamazow, Idiota and, in particular, Zbrodnia i kara. The output ... -
O przestrzeni wiejskiej w wierszach dla dzieci Marii Konopnickiej
(2002)The presentation of rural landscape in Maria Konopnicka’s poems for children is an attempt at reconstructing mechanisms of virtualisation of the recipient used by the poet. Among others, it refers to a particular use of ... -
Fizjonomie Grottgerowskie w powieściach współczesnych Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego
(2002)The article makes a comparison between the image of 1863 Resurrection in the novels by Józef Ignacy Kraszewski and artwork by Artur Grottger. Grottger inspirations were noticed in the novel entitled Dziecię Starego Miasta. ... -
Opinie Stanisława Tarnowskiego o Mickiewiczu, Słowackim i Krasińskim. Z prac ogłaszanych w "Przeglądzie Polskim" w latach 1866-1890
(2002)Przegląd Polski (1866-1914), a monthly of Cracow conservative circles, which was devoted to politics and literature, included permanent sections: literaiy chronicle, literary review, bibliography and theatre chronicle. All ... -
Poetyka prozy Józefa Aleksandra Miniszewskiego w aspekcie komunikacji literackiej
(2002)The literary output of J.A. Miniszewski, who died in 1863, nowadays forgotten, was produced in the period of the development of national romantic literature. Its characteristics are exemplary, in a sense, of the prose of ... -
Rekonesans metakrytycznoteatralny 1815-1916
(2002)The article refers to the elementary motifs in the Polish criticism of theatre criticism, or meta-criticism, perceived as a sequence of mental forms, from institutionalisation signed by a cryptonym of a review of Xs Society ... -
Sztambuch Eustachego hr. Tyszkiewicza
(2002)The article discusses valuable contents of a romantic diary from the period 1844-1857. Poems and autographs of many outstanding figures of the literary and artistic circles of Vilnius, which were included in it, document ... -
Kreacja króla Mendoga w „Trylogii dramatycznej" (Mendog Euzebiusza Słowackiego, Mindowe Juliusza Słowackiego, Mindaugas Justinasa Marcinkevičiusa)
(2002)The article situates Juliusz Słowacki’s drama between the father, Euzebiusz’s drama, which is a thematic inspiration for Mindowe, and the first part of historic trilogy entitled Mindaugas (1964) by Justinas Marcinkevičius. ... -
Uwagi o stylu staropolskich relacji pamiętnikarskich
(2002)The study presents the diary style of two centuries (17th and 18th). Several texts were analysed (among others, diaries of Mikołaj Jemiołowski, Jakub Łoś, Joachim Jerlicz, Jakub Sobieski). The style of each of the recollections ... -
Annales Academiae Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 12. Studia Historicolitteraria 2
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej, Kraków, 2002)Tom zawiera studia i szkice na temat literatury polskiej od XVII w. po lata 90. ubiegłego wieku. W jego obrębie w sposób szczególny zostały uwzględnione zagadnienia dotyczące zjawisk literackich XIX w., Młodej Polski, ...