Preferencje dotyczące stylu życia u studentów WSP
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Samek, Andrzej Gustaw
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1988, Z. 120, Prace Psychologiczne 2, s. 41-51
Język: pl
Data: 1988
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
This paper is an attempt to make a psychological diagnosis concerning preferences of style of life at the students, candidates for teacher.
Style of life is understood as a set of general values prefered by the man. These values are seen in main tendencies of his behaviour. The author investigated the group of 110 students by Ch. Morris questionaire "Ways of Life". The criterion of choice of style of life by the students was a percentage index of acceptance or rejection. Result of the research indicate, that most prefered style of life by the students is a style described as "integration of action, enjoyment and contemplation". Most of students reject the style of life described as "cultivation of independence of persons and things".