Problem uwarunkowań cech zachowania antyspołecznego lub/i przyhamowanego u sześciolatków
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Maurer, Alicja
Źródło: Rocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1988, Z. 120, Prace Psychologiczne 2, s. 177-196
Język: pl
Data: 1988
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The terms "antisocial” and "retarded behavior" are applied to describe negative or passive attitudes of children in relation to other persons and to the requirements of kindergarten, which are characterized by an expansive activity and agressiveness, or a domination of tendencies towards "anxiety reactions" and a lowered frame of mind. These disturbances occured at 18, 69% of the 184 children from Cracower kindergartens investigated; more often – features of an antisocial behaviour, more often and in a broader range – at boys.
The separated group differed from the group of well adopted children in a higher level of the emotional sensibility (retarded children and children simultaneously shoving the feature of tardiness or antisocial behaviours). Moreover the retarded children acted at a substantially lower level in sentence situations of a cognitive character which require a verbal contact with adults. In the group of environmental conditions an essentially weaker engagement has been stated at mothers of children showing disturbances in the performance of their educational duties, in comparison with mothers of children not showing a disturbed development, as well as an essentially more frequent limitation of freedom of children with the feature of antisocial behaviour and a more frequent use of corporal punishment in relation to these children.