Electrical properties of $Na_{0.98}Li_{0.02}NbO_3$ under axial pressure in phase transition region
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Śmiga, Włodzimierz
Garbarz-Glos, Barbara
Kuś, Czesław
Suchanicz, Jan
Burzyńska, Maria
Źródło: Ferroelectric. 2003, Vol. 292, s. 145-150
Język: en
Słowa kluczowe:
solid solutions $NaNbO_3-LiNbO_3$axial pressure
dielectric properties
hysteresis loop
Data: 2003
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
The measurements of electric properties of $Na_{0.98}Li_{0.02}NbO_3$ ceramics for stress-free or samples under
stress have been carried out. It was found that incorporation of Li-cations (2% mol) in antiferroelectric $NaNbO_3$ causes the induction of ferroelectric properties. It was also found that axial pressure shifts the phase
transition and decreases the polarisation. These effects can be mainly connected with change in domain walls
dynamics and with the switching of the polarisation under the action of axial pressure.