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dc.contributor.authorPolakowski, Janpl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRocznik Naukowo-Dydaktyczny. 1990, Z. 133, Prace z Dydaktyki Literatury i Języka Polskiego 4, s. 23-53pl_PL
dc.description.abstractThe essay deals with the investigation of the progress of interactions which take place in the process of literary training. Having accepted a diagnostic conception of this investigation the author wants to direct it in such a way as to be able, thanks to minute observation, to reach facts which may arrange the reality under observation according to a uniform principle and explain the regularities found there with the help of the reference to a uniform theoretical base. The possibilities of such solutions may be seen in the using of the elementary notions of the cultural knowledge, and the ways of thinking, connected with the above. In this connection investigating activities aiming at the reconstruction, in the reality under observation, of the models of the pedagogical culture of the students of Polish have been considered. Next the postulate to explain them by the reference to some system-forming centres which regulate the repeated activities of a teacher was indicated. The purpose of these interpretative actions consists in the exposing of some sources of super- individual norms of activity of the participants of interactions as well as the principles of the functioning of these norms in different domains of didactic activity. According to the author, to such system-forming centres belong: a complex of the teacher's views upon the essence of the process of the learning of literature, accepted by him theory of a literary work, and a system of accepted cultural values which determines the selections of the contents of teaching as well as the ways of action aiming at the enriching of the pupils' experience in literature. In order to obtain a synthetic picture of pedagogical culture of the circle of the teachers of Polish the author proposes to use notions, adequately adapted to the field of studies, which are able to separate the formal, informal, and rationalized elements in culture. Such a process permits to expose the inner functioning of the phenomena under observation, explains the reasons for the creation of different models which are specific "screenplays" of the activities of teachers of Polish.en_EN
dc.titleZastosowanie pojęć wiedzy o kulturze w diagnozie procesu kształcenia literackiego w toku interakcji dydaktycznejpl_PL
dc.title.alternativeUse of literary knowledge in diagnosis of interactions in process of literary trainingen_EN

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