Studia Technica: Recent submissions
Now showing items 121-140 of 276
Badanie hartowności niskostopowego staliwa konstrukcyjnego
(2011)The aim of the investigation was to verify if published data for calculation of the hardenability of steel can be used for calculation of hardenability of cast steel and the optimal selection of these data for obtaining ... -
Kompozyty ceramiczne na osnowie tlenku glinu
(2011)A series of zirconia toughened alumina ceramics (ZTA) of $Al_2O_3-ZrO_2$ having different forms and amounts of $ZrO_2$ (unstabilized monoclinic $ZrO_2^{(m)}$, partially stabilized $ZrO_2$ with $Y_2O_3$) and composites ... -
Energetyka wiatrowa jako symbioza korzyści społecznych, ekonomicznych i edukacyjnych
(2011)Energy industry is the cornerstone of the economy of each country, because wind energy is used by all sectors of the economy commerce. It is possible to estimate the price of energy in the energy market and to adapt it ... -
Wybrane zagadnienia kształcenia technicznego przełomu XIX i XX wieku
(2011)The first part of the article presents technical education in Polish schools after the Second World War. Also, it focuses on the connection between manualism and technical education. It has been highlighted that approximately ... -
Państwowy Instytut Robót Ręcznych i jego wpływ na ewolucję nauczania techniki
(2011)The first part of the article discusses technical education in Poland in the end of the 19th century. Next, it focuses on the model of Scandinavian slojd whose role in the process of education in Galician schools was ... -
Geneza kształcenia technicznego
(2011)The article presents the origin of technical education in Poland starting with the oldest traces of human activity in our country. It has been highlighted that such traces go 120 thousand years back, when the mankind was ... -
Badania powierzchni stopu aluminium 2017A polerowanej elektrolitycznie
(2011)Electropolishing is a method of removing roughness on metallic surfaces. Effectiveness and quality of the process depend on a lot of factors. This work includes results of investigation of electropolished 2017A aluminum ... -
W poszukiwaniu wykładowcy doskonałego
(2011)In nearly every student’s imagination such a character. But for students of pedagogical types of studies, this imaginary character should be of utmost importance, as it represents what they will strive to achieve when ... -
Wybrane zagadnienia całkowania przebiegów drgań
(2011)The paper deals with an analysis of the influence of integration method and initially preprocessing of vibrations (trend removing) on the accuracy of results obtained. The verification of the approach discussed was ... -
Możliwości różnicowania in vitro układów złożonych z matrycy polimerowej i substancji czynnej metodą Magnetycznego Rezonansu Jądrowego w kontekście układów farmaceutycznych o kontrolowanym uwalnianiu
(2011)This article describes possibilities of investigations of systems comprised of polymer and active (drug) substance by means of Magnetic Resonance methods. Such systems are commonly used for preparing prolonged, controlled ... -
Komputerowa analiza połączeń spawanych
(2011)In this work the possibility of computer analysis of stress distribution in welded joints is presented. The calculations were carried out using CosmosWorks application based on the finite element method. The good agreement ... -
Wspomagane komputerowo przybliżone obliczanie wartości skutecznych przebiegów sinusoidalnych o zmieniającej się amplitudzie
(2011)In this study shown methods of root-mean-square value’s courses definition, it meansmethod using time’s course envelope, classical definition’s method And method using “Dynamic Particles” filtering. -
Wpływ parametrów algorytmu ewolucyjnego na jakość optymalizacji na przykładzie problemu komiwojażera
(2011)In this article examined effect of typical evolutionary algorithm’s parameters on solution of travelling salesman problem. TSP solution is itinerary which was subordinated numerical value being estimation function. On ... -
Zestaw dydaktyczny do programowania mikrokontrolerów AT89S8252
(2011)During last few years, we could observe huge progress in electronics. Everybody working in electronics upon entering 21st century should be familiar with microprocessors. First stage should consist of getting to know ... -
Metody formowania materiałów ceramicznych
(2011)The article presents an overview of various techniques for ceramic materials forming. Particularly noted the formation of the high speed centrifuge compaction technology and the possibility of Functionally Graded Materials ... -
Możliwości i wykorzystanie skaningowego mikroskopu elektronowego Philips 525M
(2011)The aim of this article is introduce readers to possibilities of using scanning electron microscope in scientific and sciences specializations of didactic process. The article includes scanning electron microscope’s ... -
Przemiany fazowe i temperaturowe odpadowego popiołu lotnego
(2011)In the paper were introduced results of the chemical, granulometric and phasic composition, of the chosen kind of the fly-ash, being characterized with the comparatively large content of the $SiO_2$ and $Al_2O_3$ and the ... -
Symulacje przepływu płynów z wykorzystaniem aplikacji inżynierskich
(2011)In the paper, two examples of simulation of flow behavior using engineering software COSMOSFloWorks were presented. A numerical simulation of sea water flow around submarines and air flow around plane were illustrated ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 85. Studia Technica 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
Opinie nauczycieli zawodu o powodzeniach i niepowodzeniach w pracy dydaktyczno-wychowawczej
(2010)The issue of success and failure in work of a teacher is treated as a whole in pedeutological literature, the analysis concerning the didactic aspect (connected with the very teaching) or the educational aspect (connected ...