Studia ad Educationem Defensoriam Pertinentia: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 23
Okręg Rzeszowski Narodowych Sił Zbrojnych w latach 1942-1944
(2005)The article presents the circumstances of formation, the structure, and the activity of the Rzeszów District of National Armed Forces (NSZ) in 1942-1944. In comparison with the previous publications by this author concerning ... -
Powstanie i struktura Komendy Okręgu Krakowskiego Narodowej Organizacji Wojskowej (1939-1945)
(2005)The article presents the origins of the conspiracy military organisation of the National Party - the National Military Organisation (NOW), the interrelations and interdependence between the Party and the “military” (NOW), ... -
Zarys działalności Państwowego Urzędu Wychowania Fizycznego i Przysposobienia Wojskowego w latach 1927-1939
(2005)Since the beginnings of the Republic of Poland II, military circles appreciated the role and meaning of military training based on physical education. It was indispensable for the civil defence preparation of the society ... -
Lotnictwo polskie w latach II Rzeczypospolitej
(2005)Presenting turbulent years of the birth and development of Polish military air force does not appear to be an easy task due to versatile and contradictory character of some sources that deal with the subject. The article ... -
Dzieje żandarmerii polskiej do 1939 roku
(2005)The article discusses the organisational changes and the functioning of the gendarmerie formation in the Polish Army from 1812 to 1939. Gendarmerie appeared in the Polish Army pursuant to the command of Napoleon I. First, ... -
Patriotyczno-wychowawcze i społeczne funkcje duszpasterstwa wojskowego
(2005)In its history going back to the beginnings of Poland as a state, the tradition of military ministry is long and illustrious. The ministry had a tremendous impact on attitudes and conduct of soldiers on battlefields, and ... -
Jakość edukacji obronnej w szkołach wyższych - dążenie do doskonałości
(2005)The authors of the publication are teachers of the University with a long tradition of teacher defence training. Focusing on the quality in pedagogical specialisation, we create the space for an indispensable, permanent ... -
Kompetencje nauczyciela akademickiego - identyfikacja pojęć
(2005)Professional training of teachers in the contemporary world seems to be lagging behind changes that take place in the modem school. Quick and efficient teaching of students requires specific skills, knowledge and personality ... -
Edukacja ekologiczna młodzieży szkół ponadpodstawowych w rejonie małopolskim
(2005)The article presents research data on principles and methods of organising ecological education in post-elementary schools, and it deals with activities of cooperating institutions and school circles, which implement tasks ...