Przeglądaj 2016, Studia Poetica 4 według daty wydania
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-19 z 19
Biografia jako reprezentacja
(2016)The article presents biography understood as a representation, using Frank Ankersmith’s concept of „rendering justice” to the past, Philippe Lejeune’s referential pact, and Michał Paweł Markowski’s typology of four ... -
Tajemnice Ludwika Spitznagla
(2016)The subject of the article are, acquired by romantic legend, enigmatic fate and death by suicide of Ludwik Spitznagel – „Polish Werter”. Historico-literary investigation caried out herein brings some new findings. They ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 207. Studia Poetica 4
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016) -
Słowo wstępne [w: Studia Poetica 4]
(2016) -
Problem czasu i tożsamości w eseju autobiograficznym (Stefan Szymutko, Ryszard Przybylski)
(2016)The aim of this article is to consider the relation between narrativity of autobiographical text and Kantian concept of transcendental entity. The author claims that the connection between time and identity of the subject, ... -
Wspomnienia wojenne jako literatura i źródło historyczne w wybranych pamiętnikach okresu II wojny światowej
(2016)This paper aims at defining the features of literature of reminiscence, especially of works related to the Second World War. The analysis is based on two memoirs: „Mój wrzesień 1939” [„My September 1939”] by Marian Jędo ... -
Emigracyjne życie Elżbiety Bośniackiej w świetle jej korespondencji
(2016)The subject of the considerations contained in this article is the part of the epistolary legacy still existing in the form of the manuscripts from the collection of Teofil Lenartowicz. They were written by Elżbieta ... -
Doświadczenie pracy bohaterów literackich spod znaku pokolenia Tekstyliów… a kwestia autobiografizmu
(2016)The main purpose of this article is to present the work experience of literary protagonists, who are the representatives of „Tekstylia” generation – people born in the seventies and early eighties, thus the generation, ... -
Mickiewicz, poezja i anegdota. Pytania o tożsamość twórcy w wierszu Ten to też Tadeusza Różewicza
(2016)The paper addresses narrative strategies applied by Tadeusz Różewicz in his poem Ten to też (This is also) from the volume Szara strefa (Grey zone), an imagined episode in Adam Mickiewicz’s life. The analysis of the ... -
Biomitografie Henryka Sienkiewicza
(2016)The article deals with the biographies of Henryk Sienkiewicz created in connection with the writer’s death and the celebration of bringing his body to Warsaw. These are texts of a more journalistic than documentary ... -
Śmierć Schulza
(2016)The article discusses forms of representation and contextualization of Bruno Schulz’s death in biographical narratives by Jerzy Ficowski, Artur Sandauer, Janusz Rudnicki and Wiesław Budzyński. The author of the article ... -
Wymyślona Janczewska
(2016)The text describes the relation between Jadwiga Janczewska and Henryk Sienkiewicz. The writer was corresponding with Janczewska for many years. At the beginning of this friendship he “imagined” his addressee – his letters ... -
Biografia reporterska w ujęciu komunikacyjnym na przykładzie książek Angeliki Kuźniak
(2016)This paper attempts to legitimize and distinguish the journalistic variant of biographical writing from other functional forms, including scholarly and literary biography. The presence of the term „journalistic biography” ... -
O pewnych formalno-semantycznych aspektach Dziennika podróży do Tatrów Seweryna Goszczyńskiego
(2016)The article analyses a selection of formal and semantic aspects of Dziennik podróży do Tatrów by Seweryn Goszczyński. The first part of the work has been devoted to the context in which this literary work has been created, ... -
Strategie topo-biograficzne Piotra Pazińskiego
(2016)The main aim of the article is an interpretation of novels written by Piotr Paziński – especially Birds’ streets (Ptasie ulice) from 2013, but also Guesthouse (Pensjonat) from 2009. In his prose the author is always ... -
Bliżej Ficowskiego