Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Now showing items 241-260 of 8723
O programach komputerowych do nauczania ortografii
(2011)The paper deals with some observations made by the author after analyzing several Internet websites targeted at primary school and gymnasium students related to the teaching of spelling. The author suggests that teachers ... -
On the Logopedic Terminology
(2011)W wydanym przez Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Krakowie w 1992 roku Słowniku terminologii logopedycznej zamieszczone zostały hasła związane z terminologią diagnostyczną (stawianiem diagnozy), a więc ... -
Formy drugiej osoby liczby pojedynczej trybu orzekającego w kontekście dyskursu edukacyjnego
(2011)Compared to the first person, the forms of the second person singular appear as a not very diverse and relatively small group: most utterances were made by the teacher in the present tense (50%), past tense (37%), and ... -
„Rodzime” czy „obce” w aspekcie proprialnym – kilka refleksji
(2011)The article considers the problem of the opposition “native”—“foreign” in relation to the proprial language sphere, in particular to names. As it turns out, this opposition in the consciousness of the modern user of ... -
Model lingworealioznawczy i kulturowy w tekstach Elżbiety Drużbackiej (na przykładzie leksemu chleb)
(2011)The paper presents linguistic and reality describing model of description of language with an example of the word chleb (bread) in Elżbieta Drużbacka’s works. The linguistic and reality describing model includes both ... -
Czasowniki kompetencji (umiejętności) umiem, potrafię w wypowiedziach dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(2011)The paper deals with verbs umiem, potrafię (can, be able to), which belong to mental predicates, defined as competence predicates. The analysis of children’s utterances containing those verbs has revealed that kindergarten ... -
Wykorzystanie wierszy Jana Brzechwy w logoterapii
(2011)Using as an example the poems of Jan Brzechwa, the author of the paper presents how a text in verse form may be used effectively to treat children with speech and language disorders. If used in a consistent way, it affects ... -
Hasła kandydatów przed wyborami prezydenckimi w roku 2010
(2011)Electoral slogans play an important role in every electoral campaign. The short, pinpointed, content-closed formulas are believed to make powerful persuasive impact. Slogans may appear separately, e.g. on walls, special ... -
Pytania typu: Agnieszko, masz problem?! – w dyskursie szkolnym
(2011)The pragmatic function of irony is to signalize the valuation—mainly negative valuation. Ironic mockery appears generally in the form of expressions of praise, but implying a negative judgment. The form of the expressed ... -
Komplementy i wyrazy dezaprobaty w korespondencyjnym dialogu małżeńskim z XIX stulecia
(2011)The basis of the article material located in the pragmalinguistic research centre constitutes, not widely known by a recipient, the letters of the 19th-century representatives of aristocracy—Helena and Mieczysław ... -
Semantyka i składnia czasownika mentalnego wiadomo na marginesie studiów nad językiem dzieci
(2011)As a starting point of cognitive distinctions we take the formula of stipulation o ile wiem, to… [as far as I know…]—collated with the impersonal construction (denied): o ile mi wiadomo [to the best of my knowledge] (with ... -
Strategia stylizacji kulturowej w reklamie a procesy glokalizacji
(2011)Advertising is described as info-persuasion (Adam, Bonhomme 1997), meaning a peculiar connection of information and persuasion (Kwarciak 1999). Among the strategies of gaining consumers, with the acceptance of both ... -
Цахурский язык в современном образовательном процессе Дагестана
(2011)This paper deals with education problems in the Tsakhur language and contains some material about the history of the Tsakhur people. The analysis concerns all the Caucasian languages. The condition of the present-day ... -
Czasowniki deminutywne w mowie adresowanej do małych dzieci
(2011)One of the characteristic features of child-directed speech is the use of various diminutive and affectionate/ expressive forms. In this particular form of Polish, which may be included in the category of ‘familial ... -
Modularny a integralny sposób istnienia języka (logopedyczny punkt widzenia)
(2011)The article contains modular and integrated descriptions of language existence. While interpreting the relationship among reality, mind, and cognition, a logopedic point of view was chosen. The first part of the text ... -
O góralach i ich istocie krańcowej
(2011)The paper is an attempt at a reconstruction of the linguistic portrait of the Gorale (Polish Highlanders), which is included in the linguistic level of Na przełęczy (On the Mountain Pass) by Stanisław Witkiewicz. The ... -
Pierwsza polska tłumaczka Stabat Mater dolorosa
(2011)This article deals with the Polish translation of the medieval sequence Stabat Mater dolorosa, produced by Seweryna Duchińska (1816–1905), one of the earliest Polish female scholars, writers, publicists and translators. ... -
Czasownik epistemiczny znać w potocznych kontekstach dziecięcego myślenia
(2011)The transformational and generative comments on the separateness of mental predicates znać kogoś/coś [to know someone / something], znać się [to be familiar with something] [perf.], poznać [to get to know] [imperf.] ... -
Predykatyw modalny należy w audycji radiowej Dzieci wiedzą lepiej
(2011)In a sample text, consisting of about 32,000 word forms, excerpted from the utterances of preschoolers participating in the radio show Children Know Better (26,432 word forms in preschoolers’ utterances) and approximately ... -
Relacja między biernikiem a dopełniaczem w świetle studiów nad ontogenezą mowy
(2011)Polish children start distinguishing different forms of cases in the end of the second year of their life. Nouns in the Accusative or the Genitive are frequent in Polish, so they are in children’s speech. The general ...