Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 221-240 z 8723
Nabywanie języka ojczystego z perspektywy psychologii poznawczej
(2017)The text provides an introduction to the issue of native language acquisition from the perspective of cognitive psychology. It gives an account of classic standpoints of Piaget and discusses them in light of analyses of ... -
Nabywanie mowy w dyskursie zaburzonym na tle najważniejszych modeli ontolingwistycznych
(2017)The subject of this article is the acquisition of speech in the distorted discourse compared to the most important ontolinguistic models. The introduction of the paper explains the notions of speech, discourse and distorted ... -
Styl potoczny jako wariant w przyswajaniu języka rodzimego
(2017)The language is a creature which is constantly evolving – just like a child as a result of the gained language experience developes its knowledge and perception of reality. Hence there is a need to look at the acquisition ... -
Od „umiejętności” do „kompetencji” w szkolnej dydaktyce polonistycznej
(2017)The following article is about how the European context of education has changed the polish education, especially the language used to explain the process of teaching polish language as a native language. In polish ... -
Edukacyjna teoria języka jako doświadczenie uczenia się wybranych elementów leksykalnych w szkole
(2017)The article presents the educational approach to the theory of language from the perspective of educational linguistics. It describes the experience of learning and acquiring the vocabulary from the social-moral field. ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 225. Studia Logopaedica 6
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2017)Na łamach serii „Studia Logopaedica” publikowane były zawsze przede wszystkim artykuły naukowe o charakterze koncepcyjnym, przyczynkowym, polemicznym i przeglądowym. Drugi typ tekstów stanowiły prace o charakterze ... -
On Minkowski decomposition of Okounkov bodies on a Del Pezzo surface
(2011)We show that on a blow up of $ℙ^2$ in 3 general points there exists a finite set of nef divisors $P_1 ,..., P_s$ such that the Okounkov body $∆(D)$ of an arbitrary effective $ℝ–divisor$ $D$ on $X$ is the Minkowski ... -
Über Extrema mit Nebenbedingungen
(2011)Zweck der vorliegenden Arbeit is es, eine gut handhabbare Methode zu zeigen, womit man die hinreichende Bedingung für die Existenz eines Extremums unter Nebenbedingungen behandeln kann. Das Resultat ist eigentlich nicht ... -
The regular density on the plane
(2011)In the note [1] the notion of the regular density point of the measu- rable subset of the real line was introduced. Then it was shown that the new definition is equivalent to the definition of O’Malley points, which has ... -
A more colorful hat problem
(2011)The topic is the hat problem in which each of n players is randomly fitted with a blue or red hat. Then everybody can try to guess simultaneously his own hat color by looking at the hat colors of the other players. The ... -
The research on the strong Markov property
(2011)Let $X(t, ω) ≜ {x_t(ω); t ≥ 0}$ be a Markov process defined on a probability space $(Ω, F, P)$ and valued in a measurable space $(E, ε)$. In this paper, we give the definitions of $σ-algebras$ prior to $α$ and $post-α$ ... -
Nonlocal Robin problem in a plane domain with a boundary corner point
(2011)We investigate the behavior of weak solutions to the nonlocal Robin problem for linear elliptic divergence second order equations in a neighborhood of the boundary corner point. We find an exponent of the solution decreasing ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 102. Studia Mathematica 10
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2011) -
O niektórych terminach z dziedziny sportu
(2011)The paper deals with sports terminology. The choice of terms demonstrates that a significant part of vocabulary in this field has been borrowed, almost entirely from English. This fact is connected with the European ... -
Niektóre konceptualizacje uczuć w wypowiedziach dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym (na przykładzie czasownika lubić)
(2011)The study tries to analyze several texts’ conceptualizations of some personal forms of the verb like, regarding emotions and feelings. It allows to take a look on methodological issues related with ability to name and ... -
Terminologia żeglarska w szesnastowiecznych pamiętnikach pielgrzymów i podróżników
(2011)The paper is a collection of reflections formulated during the study of Middle and New Polish diaries as sources for the history of the Polish language. The most interesting conclusion that follows from the material ... -
Etiologia jąkania wczesnodziecięcego
(2011)There exist a number of theories which attempt to explain the causes of early childhood stuttering. Biological theories assume that it is either hereditary or results from immaturity of the central nervous system. Another ... -
Młodzi gniewni w internecie – o agresywnych zachowaniach językowych młodzieży
(2011)On an online forum discussion, when using very strong and unrefined (violating the rules of taboo language) linguistic and stylistic means, which aim at depreciating the opponent, young discussants (in a polemical debate) ... -
Świadomość językowa i metajęzykowa a kompetencja lingwodydaktyczna
(2011)The paper refers to the problem of awareness and various relationships between awareness and language as well as education. Analyzing the process of language acquisition and education, educational linguistics introduces ...