Czasopisma Naukowe: Recent submissions
Now showing items 361-380 of 8723
Wpływ sposobu modelowania wymuszenia parasejsmicznego na wyliczoną odpowiedź dynamiczną budynku
(2017)The comparison of the calculated dynamic responses of typical, high-rise, prefabricated residential buildings subjected to some measured paraseismic-type excitations (mine-induced tremors) modelled in two ways, is presented ... -
Badanie właściwości termoelektrycznych roztworu stałego $Na_{1-x}Li_xNbO_3$ (dla x = 0 – 0,06)
(2017)The article presents theoretical facts of thermoelectric phenomena (i.e. Joule effect, Seebeck effect, Thomson effect and Peltier effect). Lead-free $Na_{1-x}Li_xNbO_3$ ceramics (x = 0 – 0,06) were synthesized by a ... -
Modern technology improving safety in automotive vehicles
(2017)Modern facilities that control car security systems are becoming more and more common. Their possession increases the safety of both driver and passengers as well as other road users. However, one should remembered that ... -
Определение метода в учении Гегеля о бытии
(2017)In the first part of the «Science of Logic» Hegel defines the category of being. He implicitly introduces first the notion of a line, and then a basal graph, still unknown in his time. The author of the article describes ... -
Pomiary termowizyjne stałotlenkowego ogniwa paliwowego
(2017)Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are promising devices for the production of electricity and heat in combined systems (CHP – cogeneration heat and power), both mobile and stationary. These cells require high operating ... -
Etyczne rozważania nad starością
(2017)This study addresses the issue of old age and the perception of older people by society. Issues related to the treatment of older people, discrimination and the exclusion of older people were presented. In addition, ... -
Analysis of a two-position regulation system with correction
(2017)The article analyses the two-position regulation system. The simulation results of a simple two-position system without correction and correction of the controller are presented. The influence of some coefficients is ... -
Efekty uderzenia wybranych rodzajów pocisków w blachy stalowe
(2017)Efficiency of a firearm depends on both ammunition and a type of a gun. Bullets differ in calibre and framework. The core of a bullet destructive impact is the way of energy transfers and its distribution in the material. ... -
Klienci pomocy społecznej w obliczu zmiany
(2017)Radical transformations in the turn of the nineties initiated a lot of changes in political, social and economic systems. These changes were expected and desired but on the other hand they become impediment in normal ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 251. Studia Technica 10
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2017) -
Formation of the digital strategy of the enterprise to ensure its competitiveness
(2018)The article presents the tendencies of development of the digital economy and its main components. The study of the development of the digital economy has shown that today it is determined by the development of Internet ... -
Sztuczna inteligencja w animacji trójwymiarowych postaci z pojedynczego zdjęcia
(2018)Computer animation is a method that allows to move objects registered on a series of images, drawings that are introduced into continuous motion. Animation accompanies us every day and its achievements and strong development ... -
Психологический контент переживания одиночества подростками в социокультурном пространстве постмодернизма
(2018)The article deals with the analysis of the issue of subjective experience of loneliness by younger adolescents as a characteristic of the personality development in the period of transition to adulthood. A psychological ... -
Исследование развития уверенности в себе начинающих психологов
(2018)The article present results of the research of self-confidence of novice psychologists. The self-confidence has been defined as a positive integrated approach to one’s own opportunities, which perceives success of the ... -
Межпоколенные конфликты, их причины и классификация
(2018)The article discusses intergenerational conflicts, their causes and classification. The term of family intergenerational conflict refers to certain relations between family members, which are generated by the contradictions ... -
Sytuacja gospodarczo-społeczna regionu łódzkiego. Stan obecny i perspektywy na przyszłość
(2018)Capitalism is often equated with the most effective functioning allocation system today in the world. However, its effectiveness is linked to efficiency implemented economic policy, which may take various forms. Modern ... -
Technologia ogniw paliwowych i jej wkład w rozwój współczesnej techniki
(2018)The article presents fuel cell technology and possibilities that lie behind the invention belonging to the group of energy generators. The nature of their operation, examples of projects and properties that make them ... -
Bezpieczeństwo finansowania oraz wzajemnej współpracy przedsiębiorstw społecznych z władzami lokalnymi na przykładzie regionu łódzkiego
(2018)The aim of the article is to assess the state of the social economy in the Łódź region after 2015. Main in this case, the hypothesis is that financing security and mutual cooperation social enterprises with local government ... -
Możliwości zastosowania trybu niskiej próżni w badaniach mikrostruktury w skaningowym mikroskopie elektronowym JEOL 6610Lv
(2018)The paper presents the possibilities of observing microstructures using the JEOL 6610Lv scanning microscope located at the Institute of Technology UP using low vacuum observation techniques. The tests were carried out ... -
Uwarunkowania rynku pracy a absolwenci kierunków inżynieryjno-technicznych
(2018)The modern labour market is characterised by instability and unpredictability. In the face of the changes taking place on the market, new forms of the market are appearing, which also require more and more extensive ...