2015, Studia Historicolitteraria 15: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 28
Wymiary wojny (recenzja)
(2015) -
Pustka odziedziczona (recenzja)
(2015) -
Zawsze o Norwidzie (recenzja)
(2015) -
Funkcja motywu miłości w kształtowaniu onirycznego obrazu okupacji w twórczości Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego i Tadeusza Borowskiego
(2015)The aim of the article is to show, by collating, that in particular works of Tadeusz Borowski and Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński appears coterminous depiction of the occupation world. Love in both authors’ works creates oneiric ... -
Bitwa pod Brenną czy pod Starymi Pupami? O nazwach bitew i wojen w polskich powieściach fantasy
(2015)Proper names are a very important element of language in every literary work, especially in fantasy novels. They compose a map of reality unknown to the reader but they also tell the story of imagined world. Chrononyms ... -
Лексемы: „война”, „борьба” и их употребление в современном русском языке
(2015)The notion of “war” plays a crucial role in Russian linguistic worldview. On the basis of the material analyzed, one can observe that the concept of “war” represents a complex mental product which is reflected in various ... -
Czy wojna jest dla dzieci? O obrazach wojny w literaturze dla najmłodszych
(2015)I drew on poetics of space by Gaston Bachelard to describe the reality of war from a child’s perspective. War stories for children were depicted in following books: Zaklęcie na “w” (The w-word spell) by Michał Rusinek, ... -
Некоторые особенности универсального пространства войны в романе Олега Ермакова Знак зверя
(2015)In his clearly pacifistic and anti-war book, a contemporary Russian writer Oleg Yermakov projects such an image of war which at a mythological level could be compared to the vision of hell. The main topic of the book is ... -
Czas wyboru. O Morfinie Szczepana Twardocha
(2015)The purpose of this article is to show the way of presenting the national identity issues, which are present in the Morphine by Szczepan Twardoch. The unclear situation of main character is a starting point of my ... -
Dlaczego wojna nie ma w sobie nic z kobiety? Żołnierki II wojny światowej w reportażach Swietłany Aleksijewicz. Mapa mentalna
(2015)The aim of this project is to outline the creativity of Swietlana Aleksijewicz. Her reportage depicts women who participated in World War II in the ranks of the Red Army. Moreover, a picture of the war from the perspective ... -
Interpretacje nieobecności i obecności historii w artystycznych projektach wizualnych
(2015)In the article I analyze selected artistic projects presented at international art exhibitions – 55. The Biennial of Art in Venice (2013) and Documenta (13) in Kassel (2012). What binds the projects is the historical ... -
Szeregowiec Ryan, czyli wojna i (a) pamięć
(2015)The analysis is concerned with the relations between representation of war in American cinema and its cultural memory based on Steven Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan (USA 1998). Based on concepts such as cultural memory, ... -
Film wojenny w perspektywie genologicznej
(2015)This article aims to present basic problems, that are related to war film as a film genre. The author examines popular theories on the extent and distribution of the war film category. For this purpose he reaches to the ... -
Czarny humor w twórczości Władysława Szlengla ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wiersza Mała stacja Treblinki
(2015)Władysław Szlengel (1914–1943), was a Jewish poet writing in Polish. His works are the best example of the use of black humor in Polish poetry of World War II. War caused him to change his worldview, which is reflected ... -
Wpływ II wojny światowej na społeczność Wilamowic
(2015)Numerous causes of death of an ethnolect include not enough opportunity to use it in communicative situations. When it functioned as a full code of communication, the language was understood by all members of the community. ... -
Ernsta Jüngera obraz wojny
(2015)World War I (1914–1918) was one of two wars in Europe which Germany sought. One of the participants of the war was a German soldier and writer Ernst Jünger, who described his experiences in Storm of Steel (In Stahlgewittern). ... -
Powstanie Warszawskie i obóz Durchgangslager 121 w Pruszkowie widziane oczami wysiedlonych mieszkańców Warszawy i okolic. Doświadczenia indywidualne a współczesna pamięć społeczna
(2015)Warsaw Uprising 70th anniversary is a time to remember that the events which took place in 1944 should be considered in full context, without skipping any aspects. So far forgotten were the civilians of the Warsaw uprising ...