2015, Studia Historicolitteraria 15: Recent submissions
Wyświetlanie pozycji 21-28 z 28
Polski komiks wojenny z czasów PRL-u
(2015)After years of fighting with comics book the authorities of the Polish People’s Repulic started using it for its own objectives. Propaganda was the basic target of the comic book narration and interference in history was ... -
Neel Doff – pisarka niezwykła. Między naturalizmem, populizmem, feminizmem a autofikcją
(2015)Neel Doff (1858–1940) is an extraordinary person in the history of Belgium literature. Extreme poverty and humiliation she had experienced in her early days are the main topic of her work. However, she does not document ... -
Dwa rodzaje dyskursów w polskiej literaturze lagrowej
(2015)The purpose of this article is to show the differences in presenting the reality of concentration camps in polish postwar prose. I am presenting two discourses in gulag literature: humanistic and anti-humanistic. I find ... -
Trauma I wojny światowej (shell shock) w poezji brytyjskich żołnierzy oraz w modernistycznej prozie kobiecej
(2015)The purpose of the following article is to compare and contrast the literary modes of representation of the First World War shell shock in the poetry of soldier-poets and in the prose of women writers. The war trauma ... -
Pamiętnikarska relacja Wirydianny Fiszerowej jako cenne źródło historyczne
(2015)The purpose of this article is to present the work of Wirydianna Fiszerowa, entitled Dzieje moje własne i osób postronnych. Wiązanka spraw poważnych, ciekawych i błahych (Memoirs of myself and others. A mixture of serious, ... -
The Siege of Nicosia of 1570 in the Poetic Armenian Vision of The Lament of the Island of Cyprus and in the Italian Historical Narratives
(2015)The siege of Nicosia (1570) was but the first stage of the conflict known in history as the Fourth Ottoman-Venetian war. The article discusses the similarities and the differences in the way in which the event is shown ... -
Bellum civile, bellum externum. Ambiwalencja obrazów wojny w twórczości Horacego
(2015)The article aims at illustrating and explaining the ambivalence of images of just, external war (bellum externum) and civil, fratricidal war (bellum civile) in relation to the ancient literary theory and criticism, the ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 185. Studia Historicolitteraria 15
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2015)