2017, Studia Poetica 5: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 24
Odkrywanie Emila Zegadłowicza
(2017) -
Stary Noe Zuzanny Orlińskiej jako przykład współczesnej książki religijnej dla dzieci
(2017)The article presents the figure and achievements of the author and illustrator of children’s books Zuzanna Orlińska. Detailed analyzes were book Old Noah awarded in 2016. Kornel Makuszyński price and highlighted by the ... -
Metr jako symulakrum
(2017)This text presents an attempt to conceptualize the poetics of versification in Kamil Brewiński’s poetic book Clubbing (Kraków 2013), with the background of the critical reception of the book, by the view given by the ... -
Wobec genologii. Gatunek indywidualny Julii Hartwig
(2017)The article relates to three collections of poetry written by Julia Hartwig entitled Błyski, Zwierzenia i błyski, Trzecie błyski. Those miniature notes form a collection of omnidirectional traces and signs, characterized ... -
Uwagi o formie metrycznej polskich i ukraińskich wierszy Łazarza Baranowicza
(2017)The purpose of the article is to provide a versificational analysis of poems written by Lazar Baranovich, the 17th cent. Ukrainian-Polish writer and church figure. The poems are investigated mainly in metrical aspect ... -
Igraszki dla dzieci do lat stu, czyli Przygody kota Murmurando Agnieszki Kuciak
(2017)The author of The Adventures of Murmurando the Cat is a literature studies specialist, a translator of Dante’s Divine Comedy and a poet. Her book for children has a reader-friendly, but the same time quite trivial and ... -
Roksana Jędrzejewska-Wróbel w trzech odsłonach. O kreowaniu światów poprzez słowo i obraz
(2017)The article entitled Roksana Jędrzejewska-Wróbel in three views. About creating realties through the use of word and picture enters into interpretation of particular meanings between the literary text and its representation. ... -
Zrób mi jakąś krzywdę Jakuba Żulczyka i pytanie o realizm w powieści
(2017)The article focuses on the effort to revisit Polish novel from the end of XX and the beginning of XXI centuries and to re-examine critical voices that were directed at young writers at the time. The subject of reflection ... -
Karpowiczów dwóch – o dialogu prozy Ignacego Karpowicza i poezji Tymoteusza Karpowicza
(2017)This essay is about the participation of poetry Tymoteusz Karpowicz at Ignacy Karpowicz novels. The basis for writing prose is fragmented, multiplying references and styles, and above all the use of quotes and quasi ... -
Bronisław Maj – poeta oniryczny?
(2017)The article is an attempt to the characteristic of poetry written by Bronisław Maj, with the release of her dreamlike dimension. Dream in poems of this contemporary Krakow poet acts as cognitive function. It is also ... -
Blues o Wielkim Ptaku Kazimierza Świegockiego w perspektywie lektur hermeneutycznych
(2017)In this article I presented a general assumption of hermeneutics as a theory of literature and a research attitude. I used its various elements in my interpretation of the poem Blues o Wielkim Ptaku of the modern Polish ... -
Ludwik Osiński – profesor-esteta. Próba waloryzacji wykładów literatury porównawczej
(2017)The article is an attempt to give a broad outline of the profile of Ludwik Osiński as a literature lecturer at the Warsaw University. Over the centuries, the author of Zbiór zabawek wierszem has been accused of: lack of ... -
Somatyczne, muzyczne i auguryjskie konteksty retoryki
(2017)Rhetoric is considering from the way of performance (gr. hipokrizis, lat. actio), called by the Cicero “the body language”. There will be a point of departure in all kinds of somatic obstacles that limit the orator, and ... -
Światłocienie perswazji. Fragmenty dyskursu ero//teore//tycznego
(2017)The article entitled Chiaroscuros of persuasion. Fragments of the ero//theo//r(e)tical discourse is a reflection concerning the rhetoric paradox, which, as an ingredient of septem artes liberales – was an efficient ... -
Czy potrzebna jest retoryczna teoria literatury?
(2017)The new various directions of the literary research are continiously appearing. Together with them, new perspectives of the research of the literary texts are opening up. They allow to ask questions concerning the language ... -
Poetyka intersemiotyczna a dydaktyka literatury
(2017)The article is devoted to intersemiotic poetics derived from the theory of translation, that is the principle of translation described by Roman Jakobson (the interpretation of linguistic signs by means of non-verbal ... -
Kanon szkolny i akademicki
(2017)In this paper author considers the question, how literary canon is created and used in education. The answer is based on four points which are: 1) history of the nation, 2) identity of the reader – canon’s receiver, 3) ...