Przeglądaj 2018, Studia Poetica 6 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-20 z 20
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 249. Studia Poetica 6
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2018) -
Bez wyjścia? O zagubieniu aksjologicznym bohaterów dziecięcych i młodzieżowych (na wybranych przykładach twórczości Ewy Przybylskiej, Barbary Kosmowskiej)
(2018)Article concerns problems of „new character” which appears in literature of the end of XX and the beginning of XXI centuries and is rooted in the phenomenon of young „generation of nobody” and show rich psychological ... -
Cykl o Teosiu Kefirku Małgorzaty Strękowskiej-Zaremby wobec wzorca powieści detektywistycznej
(2018)Małgorzata Strękowska-Zaremba is the author which writes a children’s novels. In her cycle of Teoś Kefirek she was inspired by classic pattern of detective novel, but she was able to modify it. She tries to work out her ... -
Komiksy Marzeny Sowy. Marzi opowiada o dzieciństwie w PRL-u
(2018)Polish screenwriter Marzena Sowa is the author of the comics’ cycle about Marzi, which was published in the years 2005–2011 and was an international success (the drawings prepared by Sylvain Savoia). The storiesabout the ... -
O prozie Marty Fox − wybrane tytuły i tematy
(2018)In the first part of my article I present the contemporary Polish writer Mara Fox, focusing on the diversity of her literary, critical and journalistic work, as well as on her wide engagement in the cultural life. In the ... -
Pomysł i piękno: o wybranych książkach autorskich Iwony Chmielewskiej
(2018)A few years ago Iwona Chmielewska, Torunian artist and creator of the picturebooks could speak that the hardest thing is to be a Prophet in his own country. She was the author much more known on the publishing market in ... -
Prawda baśni, czyli trudne tematy Agnieszki Suchowierskiej
(2018)Agnieszka Suchowierska made her debut in 2008 and has published three books so far. Two of them: ‘The fairytale is life or, which fairytale are you from?’ or ‘Prince the Snow-White. Gender stereotypes in fairytales’ were ... -
Przesunięcie centrum świata i ucieczka na wieś w Febliku i Wnuczce do orzechów Małgorzaty Musierowicz
(2018)In this article I analyse two newest books by Małgorzata Musierowicz from the series Jeżycjada: Wnuczka do orzechów (2014) and Feblik (2015). Action of Jeżycjada takes place in Poznań and its surroundings. Actually in ... -
Rzecz jako „sposób na szarość, lekarstwo na beznadzieję” w prozie dla młodzieży Katarzyny Ryrych
(2018)The article is an attempt to read books for young adult written by Katarzyna Ryrych – Pepa w raju, Król, Denim blue, by using the category of non-anthropocentric humanism. The tekst refers to a Przemysław Czapliński’s ... -
Świat dziewcząt widziany oczami kobiet (dwa przykłady: Królestwo dziewczynki Iwony Chmielewskiej i Pierwsze koty robaczywki Kariny Bonowicz)
(2018)Thie article presents two works writen for young people, that is drawing out the subject of girls adolescence. The former is the picture book by Iwona Chmielewska Królestwo dziewczynki. Authoress tries to show within it ... -
Tak się zdarza − o pisarstwie Ewy Nowackiej
(2018)Ewa Nowacka occupies an important place among the contemporary Polish writers and her prose works for young recipients, extensive as far as various subjects and genres are concerned, contain many inventive, unique concepts ... -
To, co pomiędzy słowem a obrazem – znaki, symbole i metafory wizualne w autorskich książkach Iwony Chmielewskiej
(2018)In this article, Marta Kotkowska appeals to the category of the iconic turn and appoints insignias of picturebooks of Iwona Chmielewska. The researcher also analyses meanings of the artistic expression which author uses ... -
Twórcza działalność na rzecz książki dla dzieci Krystyny Lipki-Sztarbałły
(2018)Shaping full personality includes an introduction to cultural messages understanding and requires preparation from the earliest years of life. The use of picture books and book illustrations as the key assumption in ... -
Wiedza muzyczna i sposoby jej przekazywania w książkach dla dzieci Izabelli Klebańskiej i Anny Czerwińskiej-Rydel
(2018)This article deals with children’s music books written by Izabella Klebanska and Anna Czerwinska-Rydel. The author analyzes the content of the musical knowledge contained in the mentioned sources. Systematizes and exchanges ...