Przeglądaj 2015, Studia Politologica 14 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-15 z 15
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 181. Studia Politologica 14
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2015) -
Emigracyjny wizerunek przeciwnika politycznego na tle historycznych resentymentów i w perspektywie zjednoczenia z krajem (1945–1992)
(2015)In the catalogue of the emigration policy goals the motif of the political enemy can be visible in two aspects; as an adversary in the internal political rivalry between the historical groups and as an external enemy – ... -
Janusza Korwin-Mikkego ocena elit politycznych III RP
(2015)The article presents the results of the study on the statements of Janusz Korwin-Mikke on the Polish political elite in the first 25 years of the Polish Third Republic. Aside from the synthesized material on the elite ... -
Jarosława Kaczyńskiego krytyka Adama Michnika w latach 1979–1993
(2015)The article is an analysis of the polemics of Jarosław Kaczyński with Adam Michnik. The first one took place on the pages of the underground paper in 1979. Both this one and further polemics of Kaczyński and Michnik point ... -
Kłopotliwe sąsiedztwo: strategia polskich elit politycznych wobec Ukrainy
(2015)The publication Troubling Neighbourhood: political strategy of Polish political elites on Ukraine (Kłopotliwe sąsiedztwo: polityczna strategia polskich elit politycznych wobec Ukrainy) brings closer problems and challenges ... -
Lech Wałęsa i Tadeusz Mazowiecki. Twórcy III RP
(2015)The article aims at presenting the personality of two political leaders – Wałęsa and Mazowiecki. It was they who created the Polish Third Republic - the political reality after the real socialism. Each of them performed ... -
Między idealizmem a konformizmem. Inteligencji polskiej wizje III Rzeczypospolitej
(2015)One of the more important issues drawing the attention of Polish scholars and publishers in the past quarter-century has been undoubtedly the condition and role of the Polish intelligence during the social and political ... -
Ocena III Rzeczypospolitej – płaszczyzna polaryzacji współczesnej polskiej sceny politycznej
(2015)The assessment of the Polish Third Republic was undoubtedly an important plane of polarisation of the contemporary Polish political scene. After the post-communist division, in which a key role was played by the assessment ... -
Ocena Okrągłego Stołu w III Rzeczypospolitej – ciągłość i zmiana
(2015)The assessment of the Round Table was extraordinarily stable. The political environments accepting the Polish Third Republic, taking part in ruling the country, are generally positive about the talks between the government ... -
Od Krzyżowej do Majdanu. Sąsiedztwo z Niemcami w polityce III RP
(2015)The perspective of 25 years of the Polish Third Republic and achieving the goals assigned at the beginning of the transformation, connected with reorienting the Polish politics allows for looking at the Polish-German ... -
Prezydentura gen. Wojciecha Jaruzelskiego w świetle teorii i praktyki zarządzania władczymi kompetencjami ustrojowymi
(2015)The institution-legal model of the chair of the President of PPR, designed within the Round Table understanding, was characterised by a strong regime position and many competences, among which an important part took a ... -
Recepcja myśli politycznej Juliusza Mieroszewskiego w polskiej polityce wschodniej po 1989 roku
(2015)The aim of the article author was to show the political thought of Juliusz Mieroszewski not only in the perspective of its long cooperation with the Paris “Culture”, but also to prove the topicality of his concepts in ... -
Towarzystwa przyjaźni międzynarodowej – przeszłość i teraźniejszość w III RP
(2015)The article describes the shifting role of the international friendship associations – from the interwar times to the PPR, to the time of the Polish Third Republic. The main areas of activity of the associations in terms ... -
Uwagi o myśli politycznej Bronisława Geremka
(2015)Bronisław Geremek was one of the architects of the main political changes in Poland and Middle Europe. He contributed to the peaceful democratic changes and implementing the socio-political democratic rules of cooperation ... -
W poszukiwaniu nowej utopii: idea rewolucji edukacyjnej Jacka Kuronia
(2015)The aim of the article is to reconstruct the project of common education revolution of Jacek Kuroń. The base for this concept is found in the conviction that in the modern times, dominated by globalisations issues, human ...