Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-17 z 17

    • Czechy 

      Kozioł, Ryszard (2010)
      The origin of the local government in Bohemia and Moravia (approx. the area of the present Czech Republic) can be traced back to the mid-19th century. After World War I, the basic unit of local government in the then ...
    • Finlandia 

      Grzybowski, Marian; Kuca, Grzegorz (2010)
      The local government of Finland has been created over centuries, and its traditions go back to the period of its national relation with Sweden. In the current legal state, a province (Finn. lääni, Sw. län) is the biggest ...
    • Belgia 

      Łaptos, Józef (2010)
      The process of formation of local authorities in Belgium in the last decades is connected with the four-stage reform that has been realized from early 1970s. In this time, Belgium has transformed its centralized, unitarian ...
    • Dania 

      Foryś, Grzegorz (2010)
      In Denmark, the Commission on Administrative Structure started off a new local government reform in October 2002. This reform contained three main goals: new municipalities, new distribution of tasks, and a new financing ...
    • Chorwacja 

      Krysieniel, Krzysztof (2010)
      Ever since gaining independence in 1991, Croatian regional self-government has undergone immense transformation. For the entire decade, self-government was strongly marginalized due to the centralized policy of the ...
    • Wprowadzenie [w: Studia Politologica 4] 

      Piasecki, Andrzej Konrad (2010)
      The articles describing local communities in fifteen European countries present different points of views. These articles differ from each other in form. It is a consequence of presenting one’s research results with ...
    • Austria 

      Kochnowski, Roman; Polok, Paweł (2010)
      The shape of territorial autonomy of Austria is formed by two factors: the historical tradition and the size of the country. Only Vienna is a city that can be called metropolitan. The most important regulations are ...
    • Słowenia 

      Zawistowska, Renata (2010)
      Slovenia is a very interesting, significant European country, although it is also one of the smallest in area and population. It is located in a picturesque, clearly distinct, independent and diversified region, situated ...
    • Niemcy 

      Lipska-Sondecka, Agnieszka (2010)
      The institution of German local government was shaped in the process of reconstructions: uniting processes of the 19th century, the end of World War II, Germany’s division into occupational areas and uniting the two ...
    • Irlandia 

      Radzik, Katarzyna (2010)
      The article discusses the modern system of local government of the Republic of Ireland. Under the provision of the Local Government Act of 2001, Ireland is divided into thirty-four areas (29 county councils and 5 city ...
    • Francja 

      Ofiarska, Małgorzata (2010)
      Territorial collectivities (communes, departments, regions, collectivities with unique status, as well as overseas collectivities) have a crucial meaning in the public administration system of the French Republic. Among ...
    • Serbia 

      Wojnicki, Jacek (2010)
      The territorial organization of the Republic of Serbia is regulated by the Law on Territorial Organization and Local Self-Government, adopted by the Assembly of Serbia on the 27th December 2007. Under the Law, the ...
    • Ukraina 

      Kęsek, Rafał (2010)
      The territorial structure of Ukraine is based on the principles of unity and indivisibility of the state territory, the combination of centralisation and decentralisation in the exercise of state power. The system of the ...
    • Turcja 

      Bieniek, Karol; Węglarz, Barbara (2010)
      While main principles referring to the local government in Turkey are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, particular regulations are formulated by specific laws. Dualism remains the main feature of ...
    • Holandia 

      Zweiffel, Łukasz (2010)
      The Netherlands is a country with rich traditions of self-government. Already in the Middle Ages, on the territory of the Netherlands advanced forms of self-government existed. Local government has changed over the ...
    • Wielka Brytania 

      Pawłowska, Agnieszka (2010)
      The article presents the traditions of British local government, starting from the Anglo- Saxon period. Special attention is paid to the nineteenth century reforms: establishment of ad hoc boards and elected councils in ...