Przeglądaj według tematu "labour market"
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-10 z 10
Academic Education: Focused Only on the Labour Market?
(2020)The discussion about academic education should be considered important and particularly valid at the moment, when yet another higher education reform is being implemented in our country. Among an array of issues that ... -
Aktywność zawodowa kobiet na rynku pracy w świetle analiz i badań
(2016)Artykuł ma charakter badawczy/empiryczny. Jego celem było poznanie opinii mężczyzn (studentów) na temat aktywności zawodowej kobiet na rynku pracy, ich roli zawodowej, którą wypełniają z jednoczesnym powiązaniem jej z ... -
Aktywność zawodowa kobiet po 50. roku życia w Polsce
(2013)The labour market is dominated by young and resourceful people and that is why people aged 50 and above, especially women, do have problems fi nding or changing a job. Our country presents the lowest in Europe index of job ... -
Barriers of Roma Women when Accessing into the Labour Market
(2016)The article provides information about barriers of Roma women in the labour market. It analyses the partial results of the project VEGA – Intimate Partner Violence against Roma Women. Most often interpret the entry limits ... -
The Changing Nature of Work and a Need to Prepare Teachers for Involvement in Innovative Work During and After the Pandemic
(2020)The article presents a study which main objective was to expand knowledge on teachers’ experiences, readiness, and conditions for effective reaction to significantly changed social circumstances and conditions of their ... -
Ekonomia społeczna w kontekście wyzwań rynku pracy
(2014)The article presents the current situation on the labour market in Poland, showing the way it is impacted by the social economy. -
Roma ethnic minority risk of social exclusion in Poland
(2014)Roma people are one of the most colourful minorities in Poland and arouse interest and controversy among contemporary Polish society, nearly monolithic in terms of ethnic origin and nationality. At present, the socio-economic ... -
Romowie na rynku pracy
(2016)W popularnym rozumieniu różnice pomiędzy zachowaniami Romów i innych członków społeczeństwa są uwarunkowane kulturowo. Zachowania Romów są zazwyczaj opisywane jako suboptymalne i uzasadnione innym dziedzictwem ... -
Возможности на рынке труда для молодых людей, покидающих детские дома в международном контексте
(2015)The paper describes the problems of young people leaving the children´s homes, i.e. they leave the institutions of the alternative care after completing 18 years. Due to their position at the labour market, we describe ... -
"Этическая сила" человеческого труда в условиях рыночной экономики в начале XXI века
(2016)Текст был обсужден – на междисциплинарной основе – категория "нравственную силу" человеческого труда. Особое внимание было уделено фи- лософским и педагогических аспектов проблемы, пример творческого насле- дия Иоанна ...