Przeglądaj 2016, Studia Politologica 16 według tytułu
Wyświetlanie pozycji 1-13 z 13
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 213. Studia Politologica 16
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016) -
Dywersyfikacja współczesnej lewicy oraz prawicy wokół sporów o politykę, państwo i instytucje
(2016)Globalization brought about the weakening of state institutions and delegitimisation of politics in general. This was reflected in the programs of political parties. The article analyses political parties’ programs of ... -
„Grecja należy do Greków”, czyli działalność polityczna Złotego Świtu w III Republice Greckiej
(2016)This article deals with the extreme right party Golden Dawn, which is now the third force on the Greek political scene. The party is highly controversial, on the one hand violating the principles of the system, on the ... -
Kryzys instytucji w polskim współczesnym dyskursie politycznym
(2016)Social sciences literature poses the question “how do institutions think?”. The aim of the author of the present paper is to present the way media shape the perception of institutions, in particular institutions of ... -
Kryzys migracyjny w Holandii a polaryzacja społeczna
(2016)The article deals with the perception of the refugee crisis in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The author focuses on the attitude of the Dutch and political parties towards immigrants. Furthermore he describes the way ... -
Narzędzie demokratyzacji czy instytucja do poprawy? Spór o samorząd we współczesnej polskiej myśli politycznej
(2016)The article attempts at presenting one of the sides of the dispute over local government in Polish political thought after 1989. Special attention was paid to the assessment of the condition of home rule. The author ... -
Niebezpieczne związki. Antykomunizm, antyamerykanizm, tożsamość narodowa i rusofila w działalności i ideologii francuskiego Frontu Narodowego z antysemityzmem w tle
(2016)The French National Front was formed in 1972-1973 as a result of structural and ideological changes in the extreme antiliberal right wing. It was an electoral emanation of the neo-nazi organization New Order. In the 1980s ... -
Obszary krytyki państwa w prasie komunistycznej w latach 1991–2015 (na przykładzie publikacji czasopisma „Brzask”)
(2016)Communist Part of Poland (KPP) was formed in 2002 yet stems from the Polish Communists’ Union “Proletariat” which functioned in the 1990s. The official party newspaper (first of the ZKP and later of KPP) was the periodical ... -
Państwo w przebudowie. Naprawa ustroju politycznego państwa w programie polskiego „neokonserwatyzmu” w pierwszych latach transformacji ustrojowej. Casus Partii Konserwatywnej (1992–1997)
(2016)The following article presents the political structure postulates of the Conservative Party (1992–1997) aiming at the “reconstruction of the state” during the first years of system transformations (up to 1997). Conservative ... -
Partia Ruchu Narodowego (MHP) – od radykalnych haseł i działań w kierunku politycznego pragmatyzmu
(2016)The main objective of the present article is to present the political path of the Nationalist Movement Party (Turkish: Milli Hareket Partisi, MHP) which has been constantly present on the Turkish political scene for more ... -
Polityka zagraniczna w programach europejskich partii libertariańskich
(2016)This article concerns the assumptions of foreign policy included in political programs of European libertarian parties, which are belonging to International Alliance of Libertarian Parties (IALP). The research focused ... -
Wyobrażenia parlamentaryzmu: między dekoracją a realną władzą
(2016)The analysis deals with the constant presence of parliamentary ideas in Polish political thought of the 19th and 20th century. In the post-uprising reality it was the socialists that presented the advantages of democracy ... -
Wyzwania polityki budowania państw (state-building) w doświadczeniach USA i UE. Przykład iracki
(2016)State-building policies deployed by the USA and European Union countries since 1990s have been analysed in regards to the challenges connected with regional destabilization and internal deconstruction. USA’s and EU’s ...