Browsing 2016, Studia Naturae 1 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Conservation of the genetic diversity of local corn (Zea mays L.) in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
(2016)The production of native corn at regional level is greatly limited by the seasonality of rainfall, availability of adequate lands, poor fertility status of the soil, high input costs and constraints of resources of the ... -
Investigation of microelements contents in aerial parts of Agrimonia eupatoria L., collected in Lviv region (Ukraine)
(2016)The genus Agrimonia L. of the family Rosaceae Juss. is known to include valuable medicinal plants. Agrimony is well known for its beneficial effects in various diseases such as liver complaints, ga\ll-bladder stones; ... -
Morphological variability of Fomes fomentarius basidiomata based on literature data
(2016)Currently two morphological species of the genus Fomes (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota) are known: F. fomentarius (L.) Fr. and F. fasciatus (Sw.) Cooke. Both species are very important in the decomposition of wood and in ... -
Mycotoxin – induced apoptosis in swine kidney epithelial cells
(2016)Apoptosis, as the programmed cell death, plays a significant role in proper functioning of an organism, both in the postnatal period and during embryogenesis. Disturbances in this process can lead to the occurrence of ... -
The treatment of attacks by the ticks Ixodes ricinus in the selected areas in Żywiec and Silesian Beskids (Silesian province – southern Poland)
(2016)Ixodes ricinus (castor bean tick) is a ruthless parasite with the greatest medical and veterinary significance out of all the ticks found in the Polish fauna. The research on the incidence and spread of this species was ... -
Allelopathic activity of the Synechococcus sp. (Cyanobacteria, Chroococcales) on selected cyanobacteria species
(2016)Picocyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. is very important but still poorly understood component of marine and freshwater ecosystems. In this study, the effect of single and multiple addition of cell-free filtrate obtained ... -
Bidens frondosa L. resource evaluation in the Dnipro River bottomland (in range of the forest steppes of Ukraine)
(2016)The article concentrates in on the investigation of Bidens frondosa L. resources in the Dnipro River bottomland as a promising substitute of B. tripartitа L. due to its phyto-resources deterioration on the territory of ... -
Bryophytes of Cu-mine heaps in the vicinity of Banská Bystrica (Central Slovakia)
(2016)The knowledge of bryophytes growing on metal-contaminated sites is still insufficient in Slovakia. This study deals with bryophyte flora of three mine heaps (Podlipa, Richtárová and Maximilián) with copper-rich substrate. ... -
Management and environmental education in Veľká Fatra National Park (comparison with other parks of Visegrád Group)
(2016)The present study deals with the evaluation of the management of Veľká Fatra National Park and its comparison with three other selected national parks of the Visegrád Four: Bohemian Switzerland National Park (Czech ... -
Three Maples (Acer L., Aceraceae Juss.) in the Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation
(2016)Genus Acer in the Republic of Mordovia is presented by four plant species: Acer campestre L., A. negundo L., A. platanoides L. and A. tataricum L. For A. campestre and A. tataricum we investigated accompanying flora ... -
Cyperus canus J. Presl & C. Presl – a traditional source of fiber, its uses, products and cultural significances among ethnic communities of Central America
(2016)Rodzaj Cyperus L. (Cyperaceae) obejmuje od 750 do 950 gatunków. Występuje w ścisłym powiązaniu z ekologicznymi ugrupowaniami różnych gatunków traw. Gatunki z rodzaju Cyperus posiadają rozmieszczenie kosmopolityczne. ... -
Herbaceous flora of village Chocznia (southern Poland) with particular focus on medicinal plants
(2016)W Polsce większość roślin leczniczych nadal pozyskuje się z naturalnych siedlisk. Jednak w niektórych regionach, zwłaszcza w okolicach dużych miast, antropogeniczne oddziaływania i zanieczyszczenia powodują, że zbiory ... -
Analysis of the coliform in the Wilga River (southern Poland)
(2016)Rzeka Wilga należy do najbardziej zanieczyszczonych rzek w Krakowie. Zanieczyszczenie tej rzeki wynika głównie z obecności obiektów przemysłowych w jej pobliżu. Analizy miana coli w próbkach wody pobranych w 16 miejscach ... -
Orchid diversity at Cuetzalan del Progreso, Puebla, Mexico – anthropogenic threats and potential for organic production for conservation purposes
(2016)The orchid flora of Puebla State represents 16% of the total species present in Mexico demonstrating rich biodiversity. However, several municipalities in the north-east of Puebla area are located within a conservation ... -
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 208. Studia Naturae 1
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2016)We give in your hands the first issue of the journal “Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Naturae”. This journal publishes papers in the field of widely understood botany, zoology, experimental biology, ...