Istota bezpieczeństwa państwa
Oglądaj/ Otwórz
Zdrodowski, Bogdan
Źródło: Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 289, Studia de Securitate 9 (3) (2019), s. [47]-71
Język: pl
Słowa kluczowe:
bezpieczeństwoistota bezpieczeństwa
typologia bezpieczeństwa
bezpieczeństwo narodowe
bezpieczeństwo państwa
essence of security
typology of security
national security
state security
Data: 2019
Pokaż pełny rekordStreszczenie
Security is one of the basic needs of people, social groups and society. It is even the basic
category attributed to most objects of human cognition, defined very differently, depending
on the perception of these objects and the needs of a particular discipline. Each scientific
discipline presents its specific cognitive approach and examines safety with its specific
methods, and describes the results with a specific language. Such a situation implies the
need to create a common level of safety awareness as a universal category, to develop
a universally acceptable safety description language, to understand the results of research in
a comprehensible way, to communicate with each other so that knowledge about safety can be
transposed in the content of education and research results in the form and comprehensible
content they could be transposed into practice. Joining the trend of scientific organization of
the state security was an inspiration for the statements of views and polemics by the author of
this study, who hopes that this elaboration will be an expression of creative anxiety security
Pozycja umieszczona jest w następujących kolekcjach
Powiązane pozycje
Wyświetlanie pozycji powiązanych tytułem, autorstwem i tematem.
Genezowanie bezpieczeństwa
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