Browsing 2022, Studia Historicolitteraria 22 by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. 354. Studia Historicolitteraria 22. Polsko-niemieckie „biografie podwójne”
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków, 2022)Granica polsko-niemiecka, zarówno ta geograficzna, jak i wyobrażona, przez wieki nie tylko oddzielała i łączyła dwa narody, ale też wpływała na losy jednostek, rozgrywające się nierzadko pomiędzy dwiema kulturami, niekiedy ... -
Obraz Niemca w oczach Polaka, obraz Polaka w oczach Niemca. Studium nad staropolskimi traktatami kosmologicznymi przełomu XV i XVI wieku
(2022)In this article the author discusses scientific and cultural Polish-German relations at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. These considerations are based on the old Polish cosmographers: Wojciech of Brudzew, Jan ... -
(Nie)równoległe narracje biograficzne o parach małżeńskich w kronice Thietmara z Merseburga i polskich średniowiecznych tekstach kronikarskich
(2022)The genre of the medieval written biography is an understudied area of research, although a broader understanding of the concept of biographical fiction makes it possible to identify biographical features in a large ... -
Hertha Karasek-Strzygowski – ein Leben im Spannungsfeld der Nationalismen
(2022)This article is an attempt to reconstruct the biography of the Austrian painter and writer Hertha Karasek- Strzygowski, born in 1896 in what is now Bielsko-Biała, in the area of the so-called linguistic island of ... -
Ojczyzna – obczyzna. Stanisław Przybyszewski o swej niemieckiej przeszłości w kręgu berlińskiej bohemy
(2022)This article explores the Berlin period in the life and work of Stanisław Przybyszewski (1889–1898), one of the most famous writers of Young Poland, particularly focusing on why Przybyszewski – a writer debuting works ... -
Das schlesische Aschenputtel als Romanfigur: ein Beitrag zu einer deutsch-polnischen „Doppelbiographie“
(2022)The subject of this article is the Polish-German “double biography” of Countess Joanna von Schaffgotsch as portrayed in the novel Zink wird Gold by Georg Zivier and Hans Nowak and in Gustaw Morcinek’s Pokład Joanny. The ... -
Der Krakauer Maler Józef Mehoffer und dessen deutsch-österreichische Herkunft im Spiegel von NS-Akten 1940 bis 1941
(2022)The article renders the heretofore poorly studied actions of the German national-socialist, occupant authorities between 1940 and 1941 targeted at the Cracow’s painter Józef Mehoffer, whose roots were German-Austrian, ... -
Karla Dedeciusa portret podwójny. O tłumaczu poezji polskiej i autorze refleksji o literaturze
(2022)The aim of this article is to portray Karl Dedecius, a translator of Polish poetry and author of reflections on literature. The picture of the connoisseur and lover of Polish works is accompanied by parallel reflections ... -
O „duchowej ojczyźnie” Marcela Reicha-Ranickiego
(2022)The aim of this paper is to present a profile of literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki (1920–2013), who lived on the borderland of three cultures: Polish, Jewish, and German. The paper attempts to reconstruct the main ... -
Rzeczywistość i fikcja. Postacie Polaków i Niemców w prozie Magdaleny Parys
(2022)The article presents the Trylogia Berlińska [The Berlin Trilogy] by Magdalena Parys, a Polish writer living in Berlin. The series consists of three thrillers (Tunel, 2011; Magik, 2014; Biała Rika, 2016 [Tunnel, Magician, ... -
„Utopkowa” tożsamość w niemieckojęzycznej powieści Leszka Libery
(2022)This article reflects on the universal values of Leszek Libera’s novel Utopek, on what always remains “unspeakable” in Silesian issues, and on the internal life of the personal (author’s) and collective memory of Silesian ... -
Polski krytyk teatralny Andrzej Wirth – mistrz przemieszczania się i jego rola w kształtowaniu nowego oblicza teatru w Niemczech
(2022)Andrzej Wirth, a 20th century Polish essayist, philosopher and theatre critic, is one of the often forgotten theatre and drama scholars in Poland, perhaps due to his long life in exile. A recognized expert in theatre ... -
Kosmopolska Artura Beckera – przestrzeń otwarta, przestrzeń poszukiwania własnej tożsamości
(2022)As a Polish writer of German-language works, Artur Becker sees his work and his biography in his self-narrative at the interface of the German language he chose and the Polish culture and language he abandoned due to his ... -
„Prägung. Geblieben sind die Erinnerungen, die gedankenschwer in meinem Bewußtsein wüten.“ Grafische Verfahren zur Sichtbarmachung von Strukturen des Erinnerns bei Joachim Zintel
(2022)The article describes the aspects of Joachim Zintel’s (Berlin, 1943) graphics that are referred to as typography. In his graphics, the artist processes snippets of memories of the flight from Stettin to Berlin at the ... -
Identitätssuche von deutsch-polnisch-schlesischen Lyriker:innen. Zeitgenössische Einblicke
(2022)This article attempts to address the specificities of the Silesia on the example of selected poems by contemporary female and male authors who feel connected to this corner in the center of Europe and searching for their ... -
Obraz Hindenburga O/S w twórczości Wernera Heiduczka
(2022)This essay is an attempt to portray the Hindenburg O.S. in Upper Silesia as an autobiographical place in the works of the German writer Werner Heiduczek. The space of the town, which he discovered in his childhood and ... -
Im Land der halben Leben
(2022) -
Uwalnianie się od prymatu pamięci albo oswajanie obcości. Tożsamościowe transformacje w Hamlecie gliwickim Piotra (Petera) Lachmanna
(2022)This paper is an analysis of Hamlet gliwicki [eng. Gliwice Hamlet] (Messel 2008) by the Polish-German writer Peter Lachmann (b. 1935). The article presents the genesis of the drama inspired by the fate of a Wehrmacht ... -
Poeta pojednania. O twórczości Ernsta Josefa Krzywona
(2022)This article presents key motifs in the lyrical works of Ernst Josef Krzywon, a German poet, literary historian. and translator of Polish literature. Krzywon was an intellectual of Upper Silesian origin, who struggled ...